A Little Off

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There wasn't much talking on Nightmare's side. Blue was a chatterbox. He's been rambling on about some random thing for about twenty minutes by now. Nightmare wasn't sure what, he didn't space out or intentionally ignore Blue, it's just that he and Blue had very different interests. So Nightmare had barely any clue on why Blue was going on about some Greek mythology story. 

Blue had initially scolded him for eating the berries recklessly, but the conversation somehow turned to whatever Blue was going on about now.

He didn't want to be rude and interrupt Blue, so he kept listening. It was sort of fascinating, he was learning a little bit. Even though it seemed like a new god or goddess was dragged into the story every sentence. When they returned home, he's have to ask Blue for a book on whatever he was talking about.

Just the the story was starting to get more interesting, a voice asked,"Blue and Nightmare, Cookies or chocolate?" 

Nightmare sighed, knowing he probably wouldn't hear the rest of the story since more voices were probably going to ask more questions. 

"I'd have to go with dark chocolate. And dark chocolate only." 

Unlike Nightmare, Blue appeared to be rather enthused about the question,"Cookies! One hundred percent! I like to think I'm good at making them." 

Nightmare nodded in agreement, he's tried Blue's cookies before and they're pretty good. Blue grinned when he noticed Nightmare's reaction,"Maybe I could make cookies with dark chocolate chips sometime when we get back!" "Ooh, that sounds tasty."

"Nightmare, whatcha drawing in the sand there, buddy?" A voice asked Nightmare, referencing the shapes in the sand he had drawn earlier.

He could tell Blue was curious about whatever the voice meant, so he answered vaguely. "All I'll say is that they're predications. Hopefully it won't happen. That's all I'll say." 

"Predictions? About everyone on the island?" Blue asked, not satisfied with that answer. 

Nightmare nodded,"Yea, but I could be wrong. I'll say something if I got anything right."

"Blue, how do you think your brother is reacting to you not being there, I bet he's worried sick."

Blue gave a nervous laugh,"I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda happy to have a break from him. He's simultaneously the most overprotective yet carefree person ever. He probably freaked for a few hours and then got hella stoned. So I think he's fine."

Nightmare wasn't sure if Blue liked his brother or not. Every time he spoke of him, it was either to complain or to brag about. Personally, Nightmare didn't think Blue's brother, wasn't the greatest. But Blue always defended him when the time came.

"Blue, how do you feel knowing that you're alone, trapped, everyone around you fighting and going behind each other's backs, falling apart? How do you feel about the fact that one of your friends could turn around and kill you all at any second? That there's no escape? Everything you had is gone now. You're stuck. So many people have died at sea. You could be one of them. How does that make you feel?"

After hearing that, Blue's smile dropped completely. That certainly wasn't what he was expecting to hear. "I guess I'll answer that one question at a time." He said hesitantly. 

Nightmare watched him patiently, curious to hear his response to that mind fuck of a question.

"I'm not alone, I'm with Nightmare and I know everyone is eventually gonna meet up again. And I'm not sure on the fighting and going behind each other's backs part. Is that actually happening right now?" Blue asked, glancing at Nightmare. Nightmare shrugged, not having an answer. Blue shrugged back and continued,"I'm not too scared of someone trying to kill me. I'm much stronger than I look. I could probably be put on the list of people in our friend group who actually has the strength to kill someone." 

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