Sleeping Beauty Awakes

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TW: mentions of eating disorder (more specifically bulimia)

It's been mentioned several times before but Nightmare is not fond of being the leader. At all. He hates having everyone depending on him and his ideas. He hates how everyone looks up to him and follows his footsteps. But now here he was: leading a group through a jungle he had never entered in search of their lost friends.

With him he had Ink, Blue, and Reaper.

They were all silent except for Ink, who would occasionally have to stop and cough up a lot of sand because of his previous attempt to consume handfuls of sand. Speaking of sand, one of the voices had decided to remind Ink of his grainy meal by demanding:

"Drop a buckets worth of sand on his head."

"On whose head?" Blue asked, staring up at the sky in a mild panic.

"Please don't do that, we don't have the time-" Nightmare started to say before an extremely large amount of sand was dumped onto Ink, practically burying him. While he wasn't that short, he was one of the shortest people here. So he was buried.

Noticing how annoyed Nightmare looked, Reaper walked over to the giant pile of sand, sighed, looked back at Nightmare and Blue before saying,"You and Blue go on ahead, I'll stay here to dig Ink out."

"Reaper, you can't be out here alone!" Blue protested.

"But I won't be. Ink is under the sand. Once I get him out, we'll either meet up with you guys or head back." Reaper said, rolling up the sleeves to his hoodie so he would get less sand on himself.

Nightmare sighed and shrugged,"Okay. Sounds good to me. It's almost dark, though. So hurry."

"No pressure or anything." Reaper muttered and started to push the mountain of sand out of the way and to the side, accidentally flicking sand onto Blue and Nightmare. Blue stepped back to avoid getting hit by the sand, but Nightmare either didn't mind or just gave no shits. Probably the latter.

Blue stepped forwards to help, but Nightmare grabbed onto Blue's arm and tugged him into the direction that Ink had previously directed them.

"Bye, Reaper!" Blue called out, waving at Reaper with his free arm.

Reaper distractedly waved back, muttering to himself. He had been doing that a lot lately, all the muttering. It was a habit he picked up from Geno. Error hated the fact that he and Geno were always hanging out. Error had always disliked Reaper and Reaper has never known why. He tried to ask Geno but Geno either legitimately didn't know or he didn't want to say.

After about thirty minutes of digging, he saw two things land right next to him. He stopped his digging and went over to the small things. One had Ink's name and the other had his. Because this is my book and I have author privileges, I can make up an insanely futuristically fancy walkie talkie. On this walkie talkie there were twelve buttons with each button being for each person on the island. Pressing that one button would allow you to talk to them and pressing it again would hang them up. Make sense? I hope so!

Reaper picked up the one with his name and stared at it for a moment before pressing on Lust's button. Because this isn't a cell phone, there is no ringing. You can't choose to not accept the call. It automatically can connect with the other's walkie talkie unless they're currently calling someone else. So Lust was directly on the line now.

"What the hell is this?" Lust muttered from the other line.

"Sup, Lust. It's a walkie talkie." Reaper said casually.

"Reaper! What's up?"

"Hypothetical question."

"This can't be good."

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