The Rule of Democracy

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The night went by very quickly. The rescue group returning from the jungle got back surprisingly fast. Lust and Geno made sure to triple check everyone for injuries. Now everyone was officially back...except Error. Who was still nowhere to be found. Then again, no one was really looking for him. Geno had insisted that he could find his way back if he wanted to because Error isn't stupid enough to get lost. 

The group had used the massive pile of yarn to makeshift multiple blankets and pillows, so everyone was a little more comfortable than they would be on the sand. The fire had thankfully stayed lit the entire night, only dwindling in the morning. Which was fine, they didn't need a huge fire in the daytime. Someone could feed it a branch or two to keep it burning, though. 

Lust got up first in the morning. Everyone was probably starving, which is why he started to set aside piles of food and a small water cup for each person. Blue got up soon after and helped Lust make the rations. The two had decided that the rations would be a little bigger this time since not many people had eaten yet. Blue took on a waiter role and every time he noticed that someone had waken up, he would bring them their ration of food and water. 

Everyone but Lust had eaten something. He had told Blue he ate before Blue had gotten up, and Blue believed him. No one really realized but Geno, who stared at Lust with a threatening glare minutes after until Nightmare started talking to Geno.

If you remember from before, Geno, Error, and Lust had overheard Dust, Nightmare, and Blue's conversation by the walkie talkies. So when a few people asked why Error was gone, Geno simply responded with: "We fought and he's cooling off somewhere. I don't know where he went, but he'll be back." 

It was probably around noon when the group had all gathered around the fire to begin the leader debate. They would go somewhere else to move around and stretch their legs, but Dream and Geno couldn't move much at the moment. A handful of people were hanging out around the fire when Nightmare was asked by a voice: "Hey NOOTNOOT how are you?" 

Nightmare sighed at the nickname, figuring he couldn't change the voices' minds about calling him that. Looking up at the sky, he responded,"I have a feeling I won't be the leader again so I'm doing pretty well."

"Leader made massive mistakes in the past. Right Nightmare~" Another voice crooned

Nightmare flinched and stared at the sand, unwilling to respond. This really was starting off excellent for him, wasn't it? Dream and Geno, who were nearby, didn't say anything. Nightmare wasn't sure if they were pretending to not hear or genuinely weren't paying attention. Then people started to sit back down and after everyone who could had a chance to walk around and get settled once more, the debate had begun.

As for how the group would decide on how they would actually determine who would be the leader, they figured that someone would just start talking and if someone else wanted to chime in, they could.

Geno kept referencing a book called 'The Lord of the Flies' and suggested they find a conch shell. But with knowing how the book ended, most of the group decided to ignore Geno, despite understanding it was his attempt at a joke. Maybe, it was hard to tell with Geno sometimes.

Before the debate had officially began though, a few voices had also gathered to witness the debate. One decided to ask:

"Hey Killer, who are you going to vote for?"

"Ink, obviously." Killer responded, getting a small cheer from Ink.

"Hello. I would like to say Ink is a dumbass and shouldn't be leader." A different voice very quickly added. Following those words, two hats with the word 'Dumbass' printed on each of them landed on both Killer and Ink's heads. 

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