Accidental Eavesdropping Can Only Lead to Good Things...Right?

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TW: Vague mentions of abuse


Dust, Blue, and Nightmare were trekking through this jungle as fast as they possibly could, it was getting darker by the minute. With the sun setting, they realized how dark the jungle actually was. It was freaky, so little conversation was made in order to save their energy. They weren't even sure if they were going in the right direction! The map Cross had found in the journal wasn't that helpful in the dark either. After what felt like ages of walking, they decided to take a quick break. Each leaning on a tree, the three sat in slightly scared silence. All they wanted some was kind of direction, the voices didn't provide that. Instead, one of the voices exclaimed:

"Blue! You've used your abs as a method of distraction for too long!"

"I wouldn't say it was a distraction." Blue said, grinning at Nightmare, whose red face was hidden by the darkening area.

Dust glanced back and forth at the two, sensing that something happened but was unsure if he should ask what. It sounded kinda funny, though.

A t-shirt with an Among Us imposter fell from the sky, landing on Blue's head. "Cover those puppies up!" The voice said, explaining their gift.

"Oh thank God, actually. I was worried about sunburns." Blue muttered, slipping the t-shirt on. It was loose-fitting, but really comfortable.

Dust giggled at the shirt,"Hey Blue-"

"Dust, I swear to God. Do not make a goddamn sus joke." Nightmare said, shooting a fake glare at his friend.

Still giggling, Dust stayed silent.

The three fell silent, all wishing they weren't on the island anymore. It sucked, being lost and afraid. 

"Oooo, Blue, is that some family drama I smell??"

"Oh, yeah! You were gonna tell me about that, I totally forgot." Nightmare gasped, turning to look at Blue.

Blue winced,"Right. But-" He glanced over at Dust, who sighed, catching the hint.

"I won't listen." He said, covering his ears with his hands and closing his eyes. "Just tap me when you're finished talking."

Nightmare hopped to his feet and extended his hand to help Blue stand up. Blue reluctantly grabbed his hand and he was pulled up. The two walked a bit aways from Dust, but not too far away. It was still a dark jungle where they might be lost in, so the last thing they wanted was for someone to be alone on this island.

"So?" Nightmare asked.

Blue looked away and crossed his arms anxiously,"The rules are: No questions, no trying to help, and no telling anyone else." 

Nightmare nodded, showing Blue he understood.

Blue studied Nightmare for a moment before nodding slowly,"You know that my parents disappeared when I was younger and are assumed dead, right?"

Nightmare nodded again, they weren't friends yet when that happened, but he did remember seeing that in the news. 

"In order to keep us from being separated in foster care or whatever, my brother dropped out of school to work full time. But it's hard working all day when you're a teen and have to pay bills and raise a whole other person."

Unsure of what else to do, Nightmare nodded again. He knew this, he's met Blue's brother before and he knew of their financial situation.

Blue sucked in a deep breath before continuing,"And sometimes he misplaces his anger towards...whatever and directs it at me."

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