And Thus, A Third is Injured

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Blue, Lust, and Error were all still sitting in silence. The only notable sound was Lust trying to start the fire. Occasionally he would swear under his breath whenever he got a splinter  or dropped the sticks he was holding.

And (you guessed it) a voice spoke up to interrupt the silence:

"Error maybe try to socialize? It might make your time on the island a bit less miserable. Please?"

Error looked up at the sky with a very annoyed expression. He did not want to socialize. Blue and Lust noticed his face and both looked at each other, trying not to laugh. Lust managed not to, but Blue couldn't help but giggle.

Error glared at Blue, but ignored his laugh. He looked really annoyed as he sighed. "F-Fine. O-Okay." He paused to think about what he should discuss. He glanced at Blue. Blue was annoying him. He could totally make Blue uncomfortable really fast.

"W-Who do you have a c-crush o-on, B-Blue?"

'Why the hell would Error ask Blue that question?' You may ask. Well, you see, Lust is a little gossipy. He loves talking about all sorts of drama, with relationship and crush topics being his favorite. Blue, on the other hand, hates talking about anything too personal about himself. But once Error had spoken, there was no changing the subject.

"W-What?" Blue stammered.

Error felt a little proud of himself. Now who had the stutter? "Y-You heard m-me. A-answer the question. I-I am ex-expected to d-do small t-talk. A-Are you not g-gonna talk t-to me?"

Blue's face was bright red. Error didn't know what the answer would be, but by the looks of it, Blue totally liked someone. Error glanced at Lust, who had the biggest smile growing on his face. He set down the sticks he was using to try to light the fire and stood up, looking at Blue excitedly.

"Oh. My. God. You totally like someone!" Lust exclaimed giddily.

"H-His face is a-all r-red too." Error pointed out, just to make Lust more eager to get an answer out of Blue.

"No! No, it's not!" Blue protested, standing up as well and taking a step back.

"Who do you like, Blue?! I'm gonna start guessing if you don't tell me." Lust said. He would get the answer out of Blue no matter what it took. He was filled with DETERMINATION!

Blue was avoiding all eye contact, he did not want to tell Lust or Error who he liked. Lust would try to be a wingman and maybe accidentally let it slip to others. And Error would probably try to blackmail him with it.

And then a voice decided that now would be an appropriate time to mention: "I want to know who can get the other more flustered, Blue or Lust?" Perfect timing. Not for Blue, but for everyone else!

With the voice's challenge, Lust knew instantly how he would get an answer out of Blue: by seducing him. Out of the entire group, Lust was one of the most flirtatious. Blue was a bit of a flirt himself, but Lust could make anyone flustered. It helped that poor Blue was already flustered.

Blue looked at the sky while the voice spoke, so he didn't notice Lust taking a few steps closer.

Within seconds, Lust had taken his shirt off and tossed it to the ground. Error rolled his eyes at Lust's actions. Why did he willingly choose to hang out with absolute idiots?

"Hey, Blue." Lust said, trying to get Blue's attention.

Blue looked back at Lust and immediately regretted it. As the author, I have the power to make every character inexplicably attractive, you're welcome.

Blue's face somehow got even more red as he began to realize what Lust was doing. "Hi, Lust." He responded, trying to not be flustered. He was failing, but at least he was trying.

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