Oh, The Injuries One Could Get

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Nightmare and Blue were bored. They were laying side by side in the sand. It was warm. It felt nice. It was nice to relax. Who knew that being in a horrible storm and a boat crash could be so exhausting? Anyways, Blue was telling Nightmare how he had managed to sneak out of his house so he'd be able to go on the boat trip. Nightmare was lightly swinging the spear back and forth above his head.

Blue stopped telling his story as he watched the spear,"Why are you doing that?"

"Dunno. Bored." Nightmare said, not stopping his spear swings.

"Aren't you supposed to be hunting animals or something."

"Did you see any animals while you were in the jungle? Or just potentially poisonous berries?"

Blue paused to recall his short time in the jungle. "Maybe I saw a bird fly by? But other than that, I guess not."

"And there's my excuse to stay here: Blue said there was no animals to hunt. Everyone trusts your word, you're always honest."

Blue laughed,"That's true. Use me as an excuse only if you must."

And thus the voices decided that any peaceful and ordinary conversation is not allowed. "Blue, how's life on the island been?"

Blue didn't seem to mind the voices and their peculiar questions and demands. "This island isn't the most ideal place to be in. I never wanted the boat to crash, but I guess it's chill now. I don't know what everyone else is up to, but I bet they're all having a great time!"

Nightmare rolled his eyes. He didn't agree, but wasn't going to say that. He was sure that someone had gotten into some bullshit and hurt themselves somehow.

Blue was continuing to talk about the island life, but was interrupted by a Pikachu plushie falling from the sky. It landed directly onto the point of the spear that Nightmare was holding up, impaling the poor plush.

Nightmare slightly lowered the spear so he and Blue could get a better look. There wasn't anything special about it. It was just a Pikachu plushie. And now it was totally dead. Bits of fluff were falling out. Nightmare shook the spear, causing more fluff to fall out.

Blue and Nightmare looked at each other in confusion.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Nightmare asked.

"If the sky can give up stuffed animals, can't they give us useful things? Like water? Or food?" Blue frowned, picking up some of the fluff.

"Or another goddamn boat to get us out? I mean, why watch us suffer?" Nightmare muttered.

"It's a shame about the plushie, though. It's cute." Blue said as he collected more fluff off of the sand.

"Nightmare, w h y d o y o u d i s l i k e d r e a m - ?" Another voice said threateningly.

Both Blue and Nightmare sat up upon hearing the voice's tone. Nightmare pointed the spear back directly back up at the sky,"Woah, woah. Calm down. I don't dislike him. He's my brother, of course we're gonna say that. We don't actually mean it. I really care about him."

"Not all siblings have to like each other, though. And that's okay!" Blue added cheerfully.

"Do you not like your brother?" Nightmare asked him.

Blue looked confused at Nightmare's question, but answered with the same cheery tone: "What? I never said that. I'm just saying that people can dislike their siblings. And that's okay. You don't have to like them."

"Oh. Right."

Nightmare lowered the spear and pulled the Pikachu plush off of it. "Can't do much with this now, can we?"

Island Madness (A Sanscest Ask/Dare Book)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon