Home -Harry x Reader

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A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you're having a great day/evening! I wanted to say thank you for all of your support! So, yeah thank you! Also in this Harry lives with James and Lily as well as his Uncles Sirius and Remus.

!!TW!! : Mentions of abuse and Cedric's death

(Y/N)'s POV: 

Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff Hogwarts champion for the Triwizard Tournament, my older brother, and best friend. About two months ago my entire world crumbled. About two months ago Cedric and my boyfriend, Harry, entered the maze set as the last task. However, when they came out Cedric was gone. I remember all the sounds around me drowning out and all I could hear was Harry's sobbing, my dad screaming, and even my own crying. 


Despite the cheering and upbeat music, I have a feeling of growing dread in the pit of my stomach. The blasting music around us is off-putting and the cheering is making me nervous.

"How much longer do you think they'll be, 'Mione?" I ask her impatiently. She glances at me seeing my tense state. 

"(Y/N/N), it's alright they'll be out soon and they'll be okay! You need to calm down and enjoy yourself." She replies, her and Ron give me comforting looks.  

"Really, (Y/N), it'll be alright. Trust me, we're here for you." Ron attempts to calm me. I love them, Ron and Hermione are my two closets friends next to Harry and Cedric. Ron puts his arms around my waist and rubs my arm, giving me a comforting side hug. 

Then, Harry and Cedric appear out of thin air on the ground in front of the maze. The crowd start applauding, but I just run towards them. My heart races and my adrenaline raises as I sprint over to them. The sight I lay my eyes on is horrid and as I get closer all other sounds around me drown out as I hear Harry's broken sobs. 

"He's back! He's back! Voldemort's back! Cedric asked me to bring his body back, I couldn't leave him." Harry was laying on Cedric's chest, sobbing. I felt my heart break and my stomach drop.

"H-Harry-" I make my way over to Harry, tunnel vision guiding me towards my worst nightmare. However, my stuttering is interrupted by my father. 

"That's my son! My boy!" My father runs over knocking into people and I drop to my knees next to Cedric. 

 I feel myself begin to shake and hot tears run down my face. I stare at my brothers dirty corpse and yet I can't see a thing. I feel someone try to pull me up from the ground. However, their efforts are futile. I don't have the strength to move. I hear muffled voices in my ears and I feel two different pairs of hands on my arms and waist, dragging me away. 

"No! Cedric! Let me go!" I sob and scream, "Ced! No! No!" I hear someone yelling my name.

"(Y/N). (Y/N)-" 

~Flashback Over~

 "(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Merlin's pants, (Y/N)!" I'm whisked out of my thoughts by a sharp pain on my face. It's my dad, Amos. Ever since Cedric died, he's been sent into a downward spiral. Not that I blame him though. Cedric was always dad's favorite, when he died my father became very angry all the time. 

"Yes?" I ask him quietly. I don't dare look up at him, however this seems to anger him further. 

"Look at me when I speak to you!" He grabs my hair and pulls my head to look at him. I look him in the eyes and begin to shake a bit, tears welling up in my eyes. 

"I want you out of the house! I can't stand the sight of you anymore! Out!" He lets go of my hair and pushes me to the floor. 

I quickly get up and go to my room to pack. I already have some stuff packed because I was planing on leaving soon anyway. Before I leave I grab my favorite photos. One of Cedric at the Quidditch World Cup. He was standing in a tree while we waited for the Weasley's and Harry. A smile bright and evident on his face. The other of the both of us at the Quidditch World Cup waiting for the teams to enter the field. We looked carefree and youthful, unaware of the terrible events to come.  

~Time Skip~ 

I wipe away my tears as I knock on Harry's front door. About 30 seconds later the door opens and there's a man who looks exactly like Harry, however he has hazel eyes instead of emerald green. It's his father, James. He smiles when he opens the door, but it melts into concern when he sees my red eyes, trunk, and bags. 

"(Y/N), honey, what happened?" He asks he opens the door wider and opens his arms. I walk into them and he wraps me in a hug and I burst into tears again. I hear someone running down the stairs but I don't look up. 

"Dad, who's at the door- (Y/N)? What's wrong?" James lets me go and turns me towards Harry. He walks towards me and hugs me. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Just tell me what happened." He says to me softly. 

"H-he kicked me out." Harry wraps me in a tighter hug and places a kiss on the top of my head. 

" (Y/N), dear, if it helps you to know, you are always welcome at the Potter's. You can stay here as long as you need." James consoles me, I look up at him and thank him as Harry leads me to the guest room. 

When we get to the room I set my things down on the bed. I turn to Harry to thank him, but instead of seeing him, I see one of his uncles. Sirius. 

"Hello,  (Y/N). James asked me to come speak to you." He walks over and sits at the edge of the bed, "You see, I went through a very similar experience when I was around your age. My mother -as well as most of my family- was very angry at me for things I couldn't control." He gives me a sad smile and holds both my hands, "So, when I was about 16 I ran away and much like yourself I found myself at the Potter's front door. I want you to know that what you're going through, you don't have to go through alone. We're here for you, you're apart of this family." I smile at this and he continues, "You know what? I am now your Uncle Pads!" I giggle a little as he declares this, "C'mon let's go see your Uncle Moony, he always has the best chocolate on hand. Perfect for times like these!" We get up and go to get Harry before we head to see 'Uncle Moony'. 

A bit later, Lily and James join us and we all sit in the the living room, enjoying each others company, eating chocolate, and just having a good time. 

"Oh (Y/N), I forgot to mention, welcome home." Sirius says, I smile and lean into Harry's arms further. 

"Thanks, Uncle Pads." I say with a giggle, "It's good to be home." 

A/N: Thanks for reading and for all of the support! I hope you enjoyed this one! Requests are still open!

Word Count: 1,211

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