Meeting his parents- Draco Malfoy x Reader

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"Calm down, (Y/N). They'll love you!" Draco says to me. I look at him skeptically. I'm a half-blood (Y/H) (something besides Slytherin, sorry to my slitherpals and half-bloods) and his parents are rich pureblood Slytherins. So, I highly doubt they'll warm up to me quickly. 

"I don't know, Draco. I worried they won't like me!" I reply as my nerves continue to grow. Draco continues to try and reassure me as we walk up to his front door. He rings the doorbell and it's answered by his house elf. 

"Master Draco! Welcome back! Who is this?" they ask politely. I smile to them. 

"Hello, my name is (Y/N). What's you're name?" Sadly, the elf is taken by surprise.

"I is Binky, miss (Y/N). Can Binky get miss (Y/N) something to eat or drink?" I shake my head politely.

"No thank you, Binky. I'm alright right now." The elf smiled before walking away to clean something. Draco smiles at me before walking me to his dining room. When we enter his parents are talking and drinking tea. 

"Oh hello, Draco. Who's this pretty girl?" I blush at Mrs. Malfoy's comment. Mr. Malfoy looks over at the pair of us and raises his eyebrows in curiosity. 

"This is (Y/N), my girlfriend. I invited her over for dinner." He give his parents a rare smile and they look taken aback.

 They gesture to the table and we sit down across from them. I smile at them, however, the only real smile I get in return is from his mother. His father, Lucius, has a fake smile on. Which is slightly concerning because I really want both of them to like me.  I'm trying to screw up the courage to speak until something unexpected happens. Lucius begin making conversation. 

"So, (Y/N), what's you're blood status? You do come from a magical family, right?" He says the last part after sensing my nervous state. I glance at Draco who's giving his father a not-so-happy look. 

"Oh erm, well," I stutter a bit before continuing, "My father, (F/N), is a pureblood. My mother, (M/N), is a muggle though. I'm a (L/N), by the way." I look down at the table anxiously waiting for his response. 

 As I glance quickly back up at him I feel relief wash over me. Instead of the highly-expected disgusted sneer, I receive a quick nod. As well as a smile from his mother. 

For the rest of the evening we talked and I cracked a few jokes earning soft laughter from Draco and Narcissa. The most surprising however, was the ghost of a smile on Lucius' face after my first joke.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  

"Goodnight, (Y/N)! It was wonderful to meet you. I'm so glad you and Draco are together, you seem like a really sweet girl!" Narcissa says sweetly. I smile as I hug her and shake Lucius' hand. 

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, for having me over. It was lovely meeting you. I hope to see you again soon." I say. Draco and I left the dining room and walked towards the door. 

Before I leave, I turn to Draco, "So, do you think they like me?" He looks at me confused and scoffs playfully. 

"Like you? (Y/N/N), they love you! I mean you even made father smile. That's something you don't see everyday." I look at him lovingly as he continues, "I'm so glad you came tonight. You're amazing. You know that?" 

I peck him on the cheek and smirk, "Yes, yes I do. Thank you for having me, Draco. We need to get together sometime again soon before school, okay?" He smiles and nods. I give him a quick hug and a kiss before ruffling his soft, surprisingly not gelled, blonde hair. "Bye, Draco. See you soon."

He continues to smile as he fixes his hair, "Bye, (Y/N)." And with that, I leave the Malfoy Manor feeling absolutely ecstatic about my evening.

A/N: Well, I hope you enjoyed! I'm really sorry about taking so long with updating it, I've been a bit busy. 

Word Count: 642

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