Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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A/N: Hello! Hope you're doing well and enjoy :)

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Now, I know what you're thinking. Oh no! Thor's in a cage! How did this happen?" Thor begins. I sigh as I know Thor is about to go on a rant. Currently, Thor and I are stuck in a cage on Muspelheim. It unbearably hot here and I only came along with Thor because I had to get away from my thoughts. Why? You may ask, well recently my boyfriend, Loki, was killed. So, naturally I needed to get away. This however, was not what I had in mind.

"Well, sometimes you have to get captured to get a straight answer out of somebody. It's a long story, but basically I'm a bit off a hero." Thor continues and I just scoff, "See, I spent some time on earth, fought some robots, saved the planet a couple times. Then, I went searching through the cosmos for some magic, colorful Infinity Stone things... didn't find any." I bite back a laugh as Thor continues still, "That's when I came across a path of death and destruction which led me all the way here into this cage... where I met you." Instead of laughing I look at Thor in confusion.

"Thor?" I ask, he hums in response, "May I ask who you're talking to? 'Cause in case I'm mistaken... I'M THE ONLY OTHER PERSON STUCK IN THIS BLOODY CAGE!" I shake the cage a bit as I yell at Thor, only slightly taking out my frustrations. If you weren't aware, I was not informed that getting stuck in this godawful cage was part of the plan.

Thor just looks at me before nodding towards the odd looking alien skeleton in front of us, "I was speaking to this lovely alien skeleton, Lady (Y/N). Also, how much longer do you think we'll be here?" I scoff and ignore him, however, his question seems to be quickly answered when the cage begins to creak and the sound of gears churning drowns out any other sounds.

Before we can question it, the bottom of the cage comes out from under us, dropping us, like a bad amusement park ride. Screaming, Thor and I fall until suddenly the chain stops and we're face-to-face with Surtur.

"Oh...shit..." I say as he sits on his throne with what looks like a smug grin. To be honest, his features are really hard to distinguish.

"Thor, Son of Odin and-" Surtur begins to address us when Thor's chain turns to face him and he cuts him off.

"Surtur. Son of a...bitch! You're still alive! I thought my father killed you, like, half a million years ago." I scoff again at Thor who looks giddy with delight.

Offended, Surtur laughs heartily, "I cannot die. Not until I fulfill my destiny and lay waste to your home." My eyes widen and I begin to panic internally. He wants to destroy Asgard?

"You know, it's funny you should mention that because I've been having these terrible dreams of late. Asgard up in flames, falling to ruins, and you Surtur are at the center of all of them." I stare at Thor in disbelief and shock, unable to speak.

"Then you have seen Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard. The great prophecy-" Again Surtur is cut off, however, this time it's by me.

"Hang the hell on! Thor you mean to tell me that you've been having these prophetic dreams of Asgard, OUR HOME, falling to ruins and you completely neglected to tell me? I-" Surtur grows frustrated with being cut off and this time interrupts me.

"How dare you! You foul girl-"

"No no. You are NOT allowed to interrupt ME when I am talking! Got it? Now, I'm sick of this bullshit, I'm getting us out of here." I outstretch my hand behind me and call upon Mjolnir. Yes. I am worthy. The wall behind me bursts as the hammer comes flying through and lands in my hand. Thor and I quickly break free of the chains and... well, I'm sure you can imagine what ensued.

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