Fred Weasley x Snape!Reader x Platonic!George

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A/N: I know I seem to be writing a lot of sad ones lately, but this one is really fluffy! Enjoy!! Sorry if I get any of the quotes wrong, I'm going off my memory 😅 Also the reader is a Slytherin because she's Snape's daughter

(Y/N)'s POV:

"So Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own accord?!" Harry shouts at Umbridge. She turns around, with her sickly "sweet" smile, and looks Harry in the face. 

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." She replies, now it's my turn to speak up. Cedric and I became really close around the time of the tournament last year and when I found out Voldemort killed him in the maze, I was devastated. I refuse to let this ugly pink, sorry excuse for a professor pretend like Cedric just up and died. 

"Cedric Diggory was murdered, you bitch! You have no right to go and make up lies about what happened! He was only seventeen! He was just a boy! That foul creature, Voldemort, came back that night!" She tries to cut me off, but I'm not having it, "I'm! Not! Done! No you keeping telling us to not tell lies! Oh, but my dear Dolores, haven't you realized that's exactly what you're doing? I am so sick and tired-" She finally cuts me off by using Silencio  on me. 

"That is quite enough, Ms. Snape! You and Mr. Potter will be joining me for detention in my office later. Now, if you can manage to behave, Ms. Snape, I'll consider unsilencing you." And with one final headache inducing giggle she turns to sit back at her desk. 

Great, Fred and George said they needed me for a prank today! Now I have detention with that ugly pink hag. When the bell finally rings Harry and I jump up from my seat and frantically try to make our way out the class, however, Delores, seems to have a different idea. The sound of her tutting makes stops us in our tracks. 

"Oh no, we're having your detention now. This is your last class of the day so it should be no problem. Resume your seats please, you'll be doing lines for me." She giggles once more and turns to her desk to fetch parchment and quills. 

I glance over at Harry who looks like he might Crucio her and I don't blame him. He makes eye contact with me and mouths 'thank you'. I don't have to ask what for, not even his friends were backing him up earlier. I just smile and shrug. When Umbridge turns back around she hands us each a piece of parchment and an old quill. I stare at it confused for a moment before Harry speaks up.

"Professor? You haven't given us any ink." She just looks at him and giggles... again. God, someone sew her mouth shut. 

"Astute observation, Mr. Potter. It won't be necessary, those are my special quills." She says, before walking back to sit at her desk. 

"How many lines, Professor?" She just looks at me and smiles that condescending and disgustingly sweet smile.

"As many as it takes for the message to sink in." Before I can ask what she wants us to write she cuts me off by clearing her throat, "You'll be writing, 'I must not tell lies.'" I look over at Harry who looks like he may explode. 

With that we begin writing, however, after writing for a moment my other hand begins to sting. When I look over it's red and irritated with the faint outline of 'I must not'. I look over at Harry who seems to be inspecting his own hand. He looks over at me, most likely to see if I'm experiencing it as well. 

'Is it on your hand?' he mouth to me confused. I nod my head and turn to Umbridge who's smiling victoriously as she sips her overly sweetened tea. I continue to write, desperately trying to ignore the stinging in my hand. After writing a few lines I have to bite back a yelp, looking over at my hand there's blood dripping out of the words 'I must not tell lies'. 

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