Hunting- Sam Winchester x Reader

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A/N: This was a random, spur of the moment idea I had after what feels like weeks writers block, so I hope it's not total crap. Sorry for not updating.

3rd Person POV

Sam slowly ventures down the hall, knife in hand. Searching for the damned demon who made the dumb decision to possess his girlfriend. Fear settles in the pit of his stomach, listening only to the rhythmic thumping of his racing heart. Fearing the possibility of having to kill her in order to take out the demon.

"Do whatever it takes."  It was the promise they made to each other in the possibility that something like this would happen. At the time he was hesitant to promise her this, but now he was even more sure he couldn't do it.

At the end of the hall is the girl, sitting in a corner whimpering and pulling at her hair. "Get out. Get out. Get out." She repeats, over and over. Her voice wavers and breaks as frustrated tears fall from her eyes. No doubt fighting the demon inside her.

"(Y/N)? Hey, it's okay. You'll be okay." Sam calls out to the girl and she freezes before slowly getting up. However, when she looks up, it's no longer the girl staring back at him. Her eyes are pitch black and empty, a sure sign of her losing the battle with the demon.

"Hello, Sam..." Sam's heart drops at the sight of blood on the girl. The demon notices his unease, "Oh yeah, damaged the meat suit a bit. It's a shame really." The demon feels up the body, reveling in its form. "She's quite pretty..."

The demon runs towards him and starts to attack him. Sam does his best not to hurt her too much, he just needs to quickly perform the exorcism. The demon is smart though, it knows how to use (Y/N) to fight against Sam. Ducking under his swings and kicking the back of his knees, jumping on his back, doing anything to try and knock him down. 

Among the chaos, Sam loses his grip on the knife and it's knocked out of his grasp. Sam lunges forward to grab the knife, but the demon gets it first and with a smirk plunges the knife into the girl's abdomen. She glows a bright orange for a moment before the demon is killed and the glow fades. The girl tumbles to the floor clutching at the gash in her stomach. Sam drops to his knees and holds her. Quickly apologizing over and over while she whimpers in pain. A warm feeling fills her, whether it's the blood pooling around her or the sight of Sam being uninjured by the demon, she couldn't tell.

"It's okay, I'm okay, you'll be okay." She repeats, comforting the man, despite her being the one dying. Suddenly, she bursts into a fit of coughing as she can feel the blood in her lungs. The taste of copper overwhelms her as she coughs up the blood, "I love you. You and Dean will be okay without me, alright? Cas, too."

Panic fills Sam as he watches her weaken. Dean runs into the room, he most likely heard all the racket and assumed Sam found the demon. "Where is it- (Y/N)? No, no, no, no, no... tell me she's okay. No, (Y/N)... you're okay. You're okay." Sam doesn't speak he just holds the girl close and cries. 

"It's going to be okay, Dean." (Y/N) tells him, trying to stay positive. Dean groans and starts pacing behind Sam.

"No, it'll be fine. Cas! Cas! Get your ass over here! We need you!" Dean starts yell praying for Cas, a flutter of wings behind the three alerts them of his presence. "Cas! Quick, you need to use your Angel healing shit." Cas just looks at Dean sadly, "Why are you just standing there?" 

"I can't help her, Dean. What's done is done. I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." Castiel apologizes, stepping closer to them.

"It's okay..." She chokes out between coughs. She smiles sadly at the three of them. Suddenly, her coughing ceases and her body goes limp. Sam breaks down, sobs wracking his body as he clutches the girl in his arms. The life slowly fades from her and Dean punches the wall. 

"Dammit!" He yells, he walks over to Sam and (Y/N) and drops to his knees, choking out a quiet "Dammit..." 


Sam sits up in a cold sweat, crying. He glances over at the other side of the bed... it's empty. Just like it has been for the past 3 months. Just like it has been since that night. Every night since then Sam relives the moment, plaguing his dreams. Every night, he is tortured with the reminder of his fatal mistake. Dropping that damn knife.

He gets up out of bed and looks around the motel. Dean's still asleep, so Sam quietly grabs the impala's keys and  steps out of the room. Still in his night clothes, he gets into the car and starts driving. 

He's only been driving for a few moments when the silence becomes too much, he quickly presses a button on the radio and music fills the impala. As the World Caves In, him and (Y/N) always listened to this together. While it reminded them of the constant cloud of possible death looming over their heads, it also taught them to enjoy life while it lasted. Being a hunter guarantees an early exit.

Oh girl it's you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
Oh it's you I watch TV with
As the world, as the world caves in

Silent tears run down Sam's face as he reminisces of the late nights they spent driving around when they couldn't sleep. He could hear her heart warming laughs and her beautiful voice harmonizing with the song, feel her comforting hand placed over his and her calming presence. But, as the song comes to an end, so does the feeling of content he had while thinking of her and a sinking realization dawns on him. She's really gone. 

~~Happy Alternate Ending (Cause I'm nice like that)~~

  Sam sits up in a cold sweat, crying. He glances over at the other side of the bed... it's empty. He jumps up in a panic. Where is she?  Suddenly, there's the quiet patter of feet walking towards the bed. 

"Sam? Sam. Hey, it's okay. You're okay." (Y/N) sits Sam on the bed and takes him in her arms. He lets out a sigh of relief, realizing it was only a bad dream. 

Stuttering quietly, he says, "I thought you were dead. I had a dream that a demon killed you..." (Y/N) looks at him sympathetically and places a kiss on his cheek. 

"I'm here, I'm okay, and I'm not going anywhere." She replies, Sam nods and sighs. 

"I know, I know. I just, I love you, okay? I can't lose you, you know that?" Sam replies, sadly. 

"I know. I love you, too."  

"Where did you go anyway?" Sam asks curiously. (Y/N) smiles softly and looks out the door. 

"Checking on Mary. I heard her crying, guess she was having a nightmare too. I guess it woke the tins up because then, I heard them crying. So, I had to make a couple bottles and feed them." She gestures towards the crib with Dean and Cassidy, their twins. Sam frowns at this.

"You could have woken me up, you don't have to do that all yourself." Sam places his hands over hers. She chuckles quietly. 

"It's okay, I didn't want to wake you. You looked peaceful at the moment, I guess you weren't though. Sorry, Sammy." She apologizes, brushing a strand of hair out of Sam's face. Sam kisses her softly.

"You really don't need to apologize." He glances at the clock on his night table, "C'mon, we should go back to sleep." They both lay down and Sam places a kiss on (Y/N)'s temple before wrapping his arms protectively around her. "I love you." He whispers quietly, laying his head on his pillow and falling asleep. 

A/N: Look at that! I finally updated! So sorry about not updating, I've had a major lack of motivation and horrible writers block, I have tons of drafts that I'm trying to finish. I'm also working on that B99 series I talked about earlier. I'm super excited about that one. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one :)

Word Count: 1,380

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