Ron Weasley x Reader

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A/N: Hello! Just a heads up I haven't read or seen The Deathly Hallows in years so it may be a bit off, my apologies. I'm also slightly changing it so it's not extremely long haha. This is my first request, so I hope you enjoy! This is for @JulzLovDraco4Eva

(Y/N)'s POV:

Ever since first year there was just something about Ronald Weasley that caught my eye. He was always calm and kind, not to mention his large appetite was hilarious and unmatched.

On the train ride on our first day I was sitting in Harry's compartment when Ron entered looking down right adorable with his red hair, freckles, and big goofy smile. Who knew that I would come to love that boy with all my heart.

~~Present Day~~

I would tell you how long we've been on the run hunting for Horcruxes, but I've lost track of the days. I hate being out here, but we're doing something important so I can't complain.

Currently, Ron is wearing that menace of a locket around his neck and unfortunately seems to be in a fouler mood than usual. It's a bit frustrating because he's the only one who can put a smile on my face right now, because he always knows what to say. Unfortunately, that's true in more than one way.

I sigh glancing at Ron who appears to be napping and then at Hermione as she cuts Harry's hair. Unfortunately for Harry, she's seems to be thinking about something other than his hair as she snips various areas of his head. Harry and I keep up a quiet chatter as Hermione continues to snip at odd angles in random places.

"Oh my god!" Hermione gasps as she pulls the scissors away from Harry's hair. Harry quickly pats around the back of his head in a panic as I giggle.

"What? Hermione? What happened?" Hermione gets up from kneeling behind Harry on the tent floor and grabs her book before heading to the dining area.

I giggle as Harry lightheartedly bickers with Hermione over her sudden thought. A smile grows on my face as Hermione explains her sudden thought.

"Harry you killed the basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor! It absorbs anything that makes it stronger! It's infused with basilisk venom which-" Hermione continues on when I finish her thought for her.

"You used it to destroy Tom Riddles diary! The basilisk venom destroys horcruxes! Hermione Jean Granger you absolute genius! Truly, you are brilliant!" I stand behind Harry with my hands on his shoulders as we talk, it's not in a romantic way, but because we're close like siblings. Suddenly, the lights go out and Ron enters the room.

"Yeah, I'm still here." Ron says irritated, "Nice to see you all forgot about me, again." I try to explain to Ron why we were talking without him, but he cuts me off pointedly, "Don't think I didn't see you wander off with Chosen One over there the other night while Hermione was asleep. Why would you even try for him anyway? You know he'd never like you! You're just an annoying little git who follows us around like a lost puppy." He spits at me venomously.

Tears well up in my eyes as his words sink in. Harry and Hermione try to intervene as well, but he continues, "No Harry! I'm sick of you as well! Always complaining about me having the radio on. All I'm doing is hoping I don't here Ginny's name, or Fred's, or George's, or my parents."

Harry cuts him off this time successfully. "I understand that, Ron, b-" Ron blows up at this even further.

"No! You don't understand! You don't have a family! You're parents are dead!" I had trouble taking what he said to me, but  what he said to Harry crossed a line. All I see is red as I stomp down the stairs of the dining area and towards Ron.

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