Avengers x Reader

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A/N: Peter is aged up to the same age as the twins. Just a heads up, the ship is not Peter x Reader, sorry, having him aged up just seemed to fit better.

3rd Person POV:

The Avengers were gathered in their living room discussing their new teammate. This was one of the few times everyone was on the same planet, let alone the same room. Everyone was here: Cap, Tony, Nat, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Wanda, Pietro, Bucky, Rhodey, Sam, and Peter, even Loki was joining in. They were all looking through copies of the newbie's file.

"She's kinda young, are we sure about this? How do you know her?" Tony questions, the twins look at him bewildered.

"She is the same age as Pietro and I, Tony. Anyway, she was one of the more unwilling of the experiments. We knew her during our HYDRA days. She actually has both of our enhancements. Psychokinesis and enhanced speed. She trained with us a lot, she'll be a perfect fit. By the way, she's... well a quiet person. She's gonna keep to herself mostly, so be aware of that." Wanda explains, Bucky looks at the girls file with a solemn look. One of the more unwilling of the experiments?

"You said she was, 'unwilling'? Does that mean she doesn't have her memories? Is she... like me?" Bucky asks. Wanda looks at him sadly while everyone else looks to her and Pietro, wanting to know more.

"No, she got to keep her memories. We were able to convince her to cooperate. Look, everyone, just trust us. You'll like her, plus she'll be here in a couple hours..." Pietro mumbles the last part having not told anyone she was coming today, not even Wanda. He wanted it to be a surprise, however he was now regretting that decision. Everyone looks at him, shocked.

"What do you mean 'in a couple hours'?!"  Sam exclaims. There's a chorus of complaints and shock.

Steve, sensing the tension, dives into one of his 'Captain America' speeches, "Everyone calm down! I understand you're upset that you didn't get more of  heads up, but there's nothing we can do about that. Now, when she arrives we will all greet her here in the living room. Once introductions are done, since Pietro and Wanda know her already, they will be giving her a tour. Thor, you will be with Loki as much as you can, make sure he doesn't pull anything on her. When she first starts training, Nat, you'll be with her for just regular sparring. Wanda and Pietro you'll do power training with her since you've done it before. Everyone else? Be nice. Got it?" Steve tells everyone. They all seem to be in equal understanding and they all disperse to get themselves ready, however, Bucky hangs back a bit.

"Steve?" Bucky gets the mans attention, "Just so you know, um if she needs it, I can talk to her about you know...HYDRA stuff. Like be her shoulder to lean on. 'Cause I can understand her and stuff." Bucky says this in an almost shy tone, not fully comfortable with the topic, yet confident that he wants to help her.

"That'd be great, Buck. I'm sure she'll appreciate it." Steve replies, secretly hopeful the girl will be able to help Bucky as well. 

~~Time Skip~~

"Guys, she's downstairs." Wanda states, everyone shifts on the couch getting ready for the new avenger. The room falls silent as the sound of the elevator rising drags on. The tension grows thick as the elevator dings and begins to open it's doors.

"This, is the living area." Tony tells the girl standing next to him. Everyone stares at her, a beautiful (H/C) girl walks in wearing black jeans, Dr. Martins, a cropped black t-shirt, layered with a green and black flannel, and a worn black leather jacket on top.

Tony clears his throat, "Everyone, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), meet the Avengers, your teammates. Well, and Loki." Loki scoffs and (Y/N) smiles at everyone.

~~Time Skip~~

Introductions had been made and now (Y/N) is in her new room unpacking. When she's about halfway through, a soft knock sounds from her door.

"Come in." She replies, glancing at the door before continuing to unpack. The door opens and Bucky shyly walks in.

"Hi, I thought you might want some help unpacking." Bucky explains sweetly.       (Y/N) smiles warmly at his kindness.

"Sure, I appreciate it. Bucky, right?" He nods and she continues to unpack with Bucky's help.

~~Time Skip 6 Months~~

After a few months Bucky and (Y/N) grew closer, eventually growing feelings, and even becoming a couple. However, both of them are pretty closed off- except with each other- so no one is aware of their relationship.

Bucky walks into the kitchen where a couple of the Avengers are sitting at the dining table while (Y/N) did some baking.

(Y/N) turns to see who entered and saw Bucky, "Oh, hey Buck." She smiles and him. Steve chokes on his coffee while Nat and Sam's eyes widen. Everybody knows that unless you're Steve, you can't call Bucky 'Buck'.

They watch in anticipation for Bucky's angry outburst, but it doesn't come. He just smiles and walks over to her, putting his arm around her waist, "Hey, doll. What are you baking?" He asks, kissing her cheek. The others' jaws drop as they watch the scene unfold.

"Chocolate chip cookies." She replies with a smile as she looks at Bucky adoringly,
"I was having a craving and figured the team could use a treat."

Bucky chuckles, "You always know exactly what to do." He hugs her before sneaking a bit of the cookie dough.

"Hey!" She whines playfully, smacking his arm softly, "Wait till I'm done, Bucky!" She begins to laugh and Bucky joins her, smiling widely.

At this point most of the avengers had gathered in the kitchen, watching in shock as the two interact.

"What in the hell?" Sam exclaims upon entering the kitchen. Bucky and (Y/N) turn to Sam with matching innocent, questioning, looks. "What- Is... what? When Steve messaged me saying," Sam begins pulling out his phone, causing Steve to start shaking his head 'no' quickly, "'Oh my god, you'll never guess what (Y/N) called Bucky. She called him 'Buck' and he hasn't ripped her throat out.' I was thought he was lying! Especially when he continued with, 'Holy shit, now they're making lovey eyes at each other!' But, man oh man... he wasn't kidding! You are making lovey eyes at each other! You totally have crushes on each other." All of the Avengers stare, dumbfounded, at Sam for his bravery- or stupidity- as he just continues laughing.

"I- Sam... Buck and I are dating. Why would he, 'Rip my throat out' for calling him 'Buck'?" (Y/N) asks with a chuckle, glancing between Sam and Bucky. Bucky chuckles under his breath.

"Steve was the only person who was allowed to call me 'Buck'." Bucky informs her, she grimaces.

"And I've been calling you 'Buck' for what? Two months now? I'm sorry, Bucky. Why didn't you tell me?" Bucky smiles at her.

"You didn't hear me. Steve was the only person who could call me that. Was. Now it's Steve and you." Bucky smiles at (Y/N) in adoration and she returns it.

Again, the rest of the Avengers stare at the couple in awe and confusion. This is definitely something they'll need to get used to.

A/N: Hello, I just wanted to remind you all that I am also working on a B99 fic on the side so if these one shots are coming out slowly, that's why. I also realize I still have requests to get to, so I sincerely apologize for not getting to them. I am trying my best. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. I would also like to say that I know times are extremely difficult right now, if anyone needs a friend my inbox is open!
Lots of love ❤️

Word Count: 1,258

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