Come to the Rescue- Weasley Twins x Platonic!Reader

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A/N: I wanted to a Weasley Twins one so I made it platonic. Let me know if you want a romantic one with either of the twin Stay safe for the holidays everyone and don't forget to vote!

"Please, Kathrine! Just let me go! I'll be out of your hair for the rest holiday." I beg her. My best friends in the entire world have invited me to stay at their house during Christmas and I've been looking forward to it ever since they asked, unfortunately I got my hopes up before even asking if I could go. 

I live with my foster parents Kathrine and Derek. They're muggles and are not very fond of the fact that I'm a witch. They were great foster parents up until they found out I was a witch. They were, for lack of a better phrase, angry that I was a "freak". 


I'm walking to the kitchen to get my breakfast. As I enter the kitchen the smell of (F/B/F) (favorite breakfast food) surrounds me. "Good morning, Kathy." My foster mother turns from the stove and gives me a smile. 

"Morning, sweetie. Sleep well?" I nod and smile in acknowledgement, "Oh yeah, happy birthday dear! How does it feel being 11?" I shrug my shoulders and smile as I plow through my (F/B/F). 

We had been eating for a shot amount of time when there was a peculiar tapping sound coming from the window above the sink. I look at Kathy and Derek and slowly get up and make my way to the window. I'm taken by surprise when I see a beautiful owl perched on the windowsill. What's even stranger is the letter in it's beak. As I stand there in shock Derek makes his way over to me to see what's going on. However, as he arrives by my side I have already recovered from the initial shock and begin to get closer to the window. I begin to slowly unlock and open the window, almost in a trance, completely tuning out Derek's protests. I finally open the window completely, the owl swoops in and Kathy begins to scream. However, as quickly as it appeared, the owl left back through the window, leaving the letter behind. 

"(Y/N)! What the hell were you thinking?!" I barely register Derek's words as I make my way over the the mysterious letter. 

They continue to yell at me as I pick up the letter. I'm, yet again, caught by surprise when I turn it over to reveal that it is addressed to me. The front of the letter has a beautiful and slightly familiar coat of arms and it's sealed with a beautiful wax seal. I open the letter continuing to ignore the adults pointlessly scolding me from across the table. Thinking I can't be surprised any further I quickly skim the letter, but then I read it again and again. This couldn't be, it must be some elaborate prank from a bully from school. Though, where would they get an owl. The letter read, 


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore                                                                                                                          (Order of Merlin, First class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards) 

Dear (Y/F/N), 

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.  

Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl no later than July 31st.

Yours sincerely, 

Minerva McGonagall  

Deputy Headmistress 


Oh, wow. I stand there, hands shaking, heart beat and breath quickening. I slowly look up from the letter to see Kathy and Derek staring at me in anger and shock. However, their expressions soften when they see mine. 

"Honey, what is it?" Kathy asks her expression laced with concern. I just shake my head and hand her the letter. She seems to repeat the process I took when reading it. Then, she hands it to Derek and he does the same. They simultaneously look up at me in disgust. 

"You? A witch?" Derek said. It was when those three words were spoken that everything in that beautiful household changed. My once loving and practically "helicopter-parent" foster parents became neglectful and angry. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I said no, (Y/N). That's my final answer. Now, listen. On Christmas Eve, Derek and I will be going to my sister's house to celebrate, stay the night, and stay for Christmas the next day. You are going to stay here and clean the house." She replies. 

I huff and walk up to my room. I was in my sixth year and usually I spend Christmas at Hogwarts, but Fred and George convinced me to go home and ask my foster parents if I could visit them during break. In my opinion, sending them a letter from school would have been more efficient, but the twins thought asking in person would be better. Obviously not, because now I will not only be spending Christmas at home, I'll be alone. 

When I get to my room I immediately pull out a quill and parchment. I begin to write a letter to the twins explaining my situation. I unlock my owl's cage and give her the letter, hoping the twins won't be as disappointed as I am, I don't want to ruin their Christmas. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's now the day before Christmas Eve and Kathy and Derek are taking a break from their packing and talking in the living room. I'm in the kitchen making a cup of coffee for myself and tea for Kathy and Derek. As I pick up the tray to carry it to the living room I hear Kathy scream and some thumping. I set the tray down quickly and run to the living room with my wand drawn. However, there is nothing that could make me happier than the sight I set my eye upon. There standing in and in front of my fireplace are my two favorite people in the world, Fred and George Weasley.

"Fred? George? What are you doing here?!" I exclaim as I lower my wand quickly and smile widely. 

"(Y/N/N)! There you are!" Fred exclaimed bounding over to me to hug me and ruffle my hair. I hug him back and peck his cheek before fixing my hair and turning to George who did the same. 

"We were worried we were at the wrong house!" George laughed though I could tell he was relieved they wouldn't be in trouble. 

"Now, come on! We have to get you packed! You're staying with us at our house!" The boys say in unison and I smile even wider. So, with the angered stares of my foster parents boring into the backs of our heads we quickly make our way to my room to pack. I quickly pack everything and we head back to the living room. Though, when we get there I turn to Fred and George concerned. 

"Um, I really hope you brought some floo powder because I don't have any." The boys smirk at each other and then at me as Fred pulls a pouch out of his pocket and opens it. I sigh with relief and laugh a bit. We take turns grabbing a handful and stepping into the fireplace. Finally, it's just me left and I turn to to my foster parents who sit there in shock. "See you next summer! Maybe." I mumble the last part under my breath before saying my destination and departing from the retched house, hoping that I don't have to go back. 

As soon as I arrive I'm engulfed in a warm hug by none other than Mrs. Weasley. "Hello, dear! The boys told me you'd be staying with us this Christmas! It's wonderful to finally see you somewhere other than the train station!" She exclaims, I laugh and agree that it's good to see her. 

I spend that night with the boys. We stay up all night, laughing and talking. That's how I spend the rest of the holiday as well. With people that I love, in a loving and accepting household with great food and amazing people. This is where I belong. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that! Please let me know if you have any requests for characters you want done! 

Word Count: 1,365

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