*request* Draco x reader

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A/N: I know the description for this book says requests are closed, however this was requested right before I closed requests. It's taking me forever to get to writing things. This was requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva . Hope you enjoy :) (p.s. the reader is a pureblood so pretend like that doesn't make Draco and the reader related haha)

3rd Person POV:

Cassiopeia Argent huffs as her daughter, (Y/N), paces around the parlor, "(Y/N), dear, stop pacing the room. I don't know why you're so nervous! I know how much you want to join the Dark Lord and his following. It's all you talk about." This causes (Y/N) to stop, she takes a deep breath as she remembers Bellatrix's threat.


(Y/N) sits frozen at her desk as Bellatrix enters her bedroom. Bellatrix slowly closes the door basking in the fear radiating off of the young girl across from her. She steps forward, a smirk spreading across her lips. Every step she takes seems to tense the young girl further.

"(Y/N)," she finally speaks, "I've come to present you with an incentive. I've seen your hesitance towards receiving the mark, so, should you refuse the mark... Draco's going to get hurt."  Adding a little giggle at the end. Though she' s frozen in fear, (Y/N) manages a small nod. This proves to be enough because Bellatrix quickly apparates away.

Her lip quivering, (Y/N) allows a couple tears to fall before she nods her head again, solemnly. She knows what she has to do, even if it goes against everything she believes in.

~~End of Flashback~~

"Yes, mother. My apologies," (Y/N) smiles nervously at her mother, "I'm just anxious to receive the mark and finally pledge my allegiance to You-Know-" Mrs. Argent cuts (Y/N) off angrily, rising to her feet.

"The Dark Lord, (Y/N). Don't call him anything else." (Y/N) gulps with a nod slowly taking a seat on the couch. After a moment her mother follows, a small smile resting on her lips.

Waiting impatiently in the now dead silent room, (Y/N)'s leg bounces up and down as she watches the time tick by. After an insufferable 10 minutes, the cracking sound of multiple people apparating into the foyer, breaks through the silence. (Y/N)'s mother quickly rises from her seat, a manic grin taking place on her face.

She rushes to greet the guests and directs them into the parlor. (Y/N)'s eyes widen for a moment when she makes eye contact with someone she knows to be a spy for the Order. Regulus Black. She had joined the Order a while back because she knew she would be of use considering her heritage. Regulus had joined the Order shortly before becoming a death eater himself due to his heritage as well.

"Ah, there she is. (Y/N), my dear are you ready?" Now directly in front of her, Voldemort smirks, waving his wand around as he speaks. (Y/N) slowly pushes up her sleeve and nods, she quickly casts a glance over to Regulus who sends her a subtle nod. 

Voldemort places his wand on her forearm and quietly says an incantation. When he finishes the incantation a fire like burning sensation spreads through her vein causing a small yelp to escape her lips. The wand is lifted from her arm and she tenses as she takes in the mark now permanently on her arm. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" Voldemort asks, caressing her arm causing the snake to squirm. 

"Yes." She replies, voice wavering, causing the small group of death eaters to cheer. Cassiopeia  quickly leads everyone into the dining room for a celebratory dinner. However, as (Y/N) hangs back, still staring at her arm, she feels a hand rest on her forearm in attempts to obscure the mark from her view. 

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