Harry Potter x Reader

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A/N: This Request is for @JulzLovDraco4Eva
Thanks for your support! ❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV:

(Y/N) Weasley, Ron Weasley's twin sister and the fourth member of the "Golden Quartet". Well, technically , she was the third.


(Y/N) desperately clings to her brothers, Fred and George, as they lead her towards  the train. Her twin, Ron, already ran onto the train. Evidently leaving her in the dust as her mother tried to console her.

"Fred, George, wait." (Y/N) says to them stopping in her tracks. They sigh, but turn to her sweetly, waiting to see why she wanted to stop. She lets go of their arms and turns to run back to her mum. Her mum looks at her sympathetically, "I love you, mum. Don't worry, I'll write to you every couple days." She looks her mum in the eyes, "I'll be fine. I'm just... nervous."

"Alright, sweetie. Have the twins help you find Ron. I want you to stick with him, okay? I haven't a clue why he ran off when he knows very well how nervous you get! Really I-" Molly's ranting  is cut off by her other daughter, Ginny.

"Mum, (Y/N)'s fine! Let her go." Ginny says, gesturing to Molly's hands which are currently fixing (Y/N)'s clothing in every possible way. Molly scoffs at her youngest, but removes her hands from (Y/N).

"Alright, well... I love you too, (Y/N). Now, go on. Your brothers are waiting, you don't want to miss the train." Molly kisses the top of (Y/N)'s head and nudges her towards the older twins.

"Yeah, c'mon (Y/N/N). It's leaving soon." Fred says to her, both him and George reach their hands towards her. As she jogs over to them, she sends a wave to her sister and mother.

"You excited, (Y/N/N)?" George asks as they get onto the train and begin searching for Ron's compartment. (Y/N) nods in response.

The three siblings accidentally pass Ron's compartment, but Ron sees and instantly jumps up to call for his sister, "(Y/N)! There you are! Where'd you go?! I got on the train and you weren't there. So, I went to go find us a compartment and you'll never guess who I met!" (Y/N) giggles as Ron pulls her into a quick hug before dragging her away from the other twins and into his compartment.

As soon as (Y/N) enters the compartment, something catches her eyes. A boy with glasses, raven black hair, and bright emerald eyes. When he catches her gaze he gulps and a blush creeps onto his face, a blush that could put Ron's to shame.

"Harry, this is my sister (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Harry. Harry Potter."  Ron introduces the pair and (Y/N)'s eyes go wide for a moment before she regains her composure and clears her throat.

"Hi!" She greets a tad too enthusiastically, "I-uh... it's nice to meet you. H-how are you?" She awkwardly tries to make conversation. Behind her Ron snickers and she steps on his foot, purposefully, as she sits down.


"Uh, yeah hi. I-I'm well? How are uh... how are you?" Harry responds just as awkwardly. As (Y/N) is about the reply, the trolley witch opens the door to the compartment.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" The woman asks, Harry smiles excitedly and begins rummaging in his pockets for his wizarding currency. Ron and (Y/N) glance at each other slightly embarrassed.

"None for me or her, thanks."  Ron replies, before turning red and sitting back down, refusing to look anywhere but the ground as (Y/N) places her hand on his.

Harry stands from his seat with a smile, "We'll take the lot!"

"Oh no, you really don't have-" (Y/N) and Ron begin in sync, however Harry cuts them off.

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