Avengers x Rogers!Reader

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A/N: (Y/N) has the same powers as Wanda, but she can also touch someone and use their powers.

3rd Person POV:

(Y/N) Rogers, adopted daughter of Steve Rogers, loved by all, and one of the more powerful Avengers.

Before she met the Avengers she was a HYDRA experiment along side Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. When (Y/N) was rescued by the Avengers, she thought that would be the last time she saw her best friend and her boyfriend.

However, while this was a fair assumption, it was wrong. See, recently while breaking into a HYDRA base, whilst trying to get Loki's scepter, the Avengers ran into two enhanced individuals.


"Sir, the city is taking fire." J.A.R.V.I.S. informs Tony.

As he flies around in his Iron Man suit, Tony sighs, "Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties." Tony thinks for a moment before continuing, "Send in the Iron Legion."

The robots fly in and begin trying to move the civilians away from the destruction and to safety. However, the civilians are objecting and attacking them. They throw things and yell, the robots just continue to move the civilians.


Clint and (Y/N) run between trees avoiding the whizzing bullets, desperately trying to take out the bunker.

Clint shoots one of his explosive arrows at the bunker, causing little to know damage, while (Y/N) uses her powers to create a shield around him.

"Kid, can't you just use your powers to take down the whole bunker?" Clint complains to the young girl.

"First of all, I'm not a kid I'm 16. Second of all, yeah I could. But, I'm trying to minimize casualties here." (Y/N) explains, as she begins taking control of the minds of the men in the bunker and leading them out.

"Damnit, you really are a mini Cap... look they're shooting at us, it's okay." Clint shoots another arrow at the bunker, but it's enveloped by a silver blur and disappears. At first he doesn't register it, but when he realizes it hasn't detonated, he quickly turns back around to shoot another. (Y/N) turns to look at him confused and sees him fly into the air and fall to the ground.

(Y/N) rushes over to him to help him up, but they quickly look up when they hear footsteps. "What you didn't see that- (Y/N)?" The man freezes and his smug look drops. (Y/N) sits in the snow, frozen in shock, and just stares at him.

Finally regaining her senses shes gets up, "Pietro? What?" She stutters as she makes her way over to him and wraps her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest. The pair have completely forgotten about the fight occurring around them, as well as Clint who's still laying on the floor.

"Printesa? Why are you here? Where did you go? Are you okay? I missed you. Wanda missed you." Pietro kisses the top of her head, still in her embrace. Clint just watches in confusion.

"I- I was rescued by the Avengers," Pietro was about to cut her off, but she made him listen, "I know you think they're bad people, I thought so too at first. But, they've really helped me. One day, when you and Wanda were getting more tests done in the other base, the Avengers broke into the base and found me. I didn't want to leave with them, but they took me in anyway. After a while I realized I could trust them... one of them adopted me. I have a father now, Pietro..." She looks up at him with pure adoration and sends him a sad smile, "I promise I've been trying to find you and Wanda, I'm assuming they moved you to a different base after I was taken?"

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