Sick-James Potter x Reader

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"(Y/N), you need to wake up!" my dorm mate, Lily, was trying to wake me up. However, I felt like absolute shit and I didn't want to go to class. 

"Lily, I'm not going to class today. I'm sic- ACHOO!" I tried to tell her, I looked at her and she looked at me pitifully. 

"Oh wow, you do look like shit. Here, I'll bring you breakfast before I go to class. You need to stay in bed and rest, okay?" I nodded and thanked her. 

As I waited for her to come back with my food I began to drift off again. Though this was a bit hard. My head was throbbing, my nose was stuffed, my throat was sore, and my eyes were dry and itchy. I was just about to fall asleep when the door opened. I opened my eyes assuming it was Lily with my food, but it was my boyfriend, James, and our friends. Yes, my friends are the Marauders a group of mischievous boys, deal with it. 

"Hey, love. Lily told me you weren't going to class today. I brought you some food. How are you feeling?" James walked over to my bed and set a plate on my night stand. 

"Like shit, but thanks for the food, James." I coughed a couple times before I gave them a small smile. They gave me apologetic looks. 

"Damn, you do look like shit, (Y/N)- OW! What the hell?" James hit Sirius after he said that. I also threw my pillow at him. 

I grabbed the plate James brought me and tried eating some of it. We talked for a few. Luckily, I had at least one class with each of them so they all promised to get my work for me. Eventually, they all went to class. Well, almost all of them...

"James, love, you need to go to class. Plus, you're going to get sick if you stay with me." He looked at me and placed a kiss on my forehead. He had already crawled into my bed to stay with me. 

"I don't care if I get sick. I don't want you to be alone all day. So, I am going to stay here, read you this book Remus said you liked, and you are going to try and sleep. Okay?" I looked at him and saw he was being genuinely sirius. I smiled at him and kissed him. 

"Thank you," I said as I nuzzled myself into his chest, "for being here and loving me. I love you." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. 

"I love you too, (Y/N/N). Remember I'll always be there for you. No matter what." It was like my heart was melting. This boy was everything to me. My world and he had my heart. 

Now, as I lie in wait with our son, Harry. I know that downstairs that same boy was gone. Taken from me, ripped right out of my grasp. Tears run down my face as Harry cries in my arms. The door opens and reveals my husbands murderer, Voldemort. I place Harry in his crib and stand in front of him. 

"Step aside, you don't have to die too. Join me." He says. I reach into my pocket to grab my wand, but it's not there. 

"No! Don't kill him! Please! He's just a child! Kill me instead! Please!" I plead. We continue back and forth. 

"Fine, if you won't move. Avada Kedavra!" I was enveloped in green and then black. 

A/N: I'M SO SORRY! The idea came to me like halfway through the chapter. I'm so so sorry. Trust me I'm sobbing too... Also sorry it's kinda short. 

Word Count: 598

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