UmbrellaNatural x Reader

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3rd Person POV:

(Y/N) sits on the bed in her motel room and watches the news while Sam does research and Dean naps. The news drags on about politics and other boring shit causing (Y/N) to begin to drift off. However, suddenly, an interruption occurs and a bright red breaking news headline shows up on the screen. (Y/N) stares at the headline for a moment, reading it over and over as she tries to wrap her head around it.

Breaking news: Sir Reginald Hargreeves is dead

She quickly snatches the remote up and turns up the volume. She stares at the screen in confusion, a pit growing in her stomach. She never liked Reginald, he was a terrible father and a pain in the ass, but deep down in her hear, in an odd way she still loved him.

The loud volume quickly wakes Dean and catches Sam's attention. They share a confused glance and then watch her curiously as she listens to the news story, tears welling up in her eyes.

"(Y/N)? You okay over there, kid?" Dean says, sitting down next to her, confusion written in his features. A phone rings, snapping everyone's attention to (Y/N)'s duffel. She snaps out of her thoughts, clearing her throat and muting the TV before getting up to dig her phone out of her duffel.

She stares at the caller I.D. for a moment before going to answer, "I have to take this." Avoiding the boys concerned stares she heads out the door. "Hello?" Whoever's on the other line hesitates before speaking.

"Hey (Y/N)..." A deep voice rings through the line, familiarity lays in their voice. However, (Y/N) can't yet put her finger on who it is. They clear their throat before going to speak again, however (Y/N) quickly cuts them off.

"Who is this? How did you get this number?" (Y/N) asks seriously, this is her personal personal phone. The other person chuckles.

"Still as paranoid as ever... it's your brother?" The person says cooly. By this point, (Y/N) has a pretty good idea who the person is, but with all the recent information clouding her brain she freezes up and doesn't say anything. "You know, Diego? Number Two-"

"Yeah, yeah... I know. Sorry, I just saw the news. I'm assuming that's why you're calling?" (Y/N) replies, stuttering through every other word, her mind moving faster than her tongue can.

"Yeah, Pogo called me a bit ago asking me to relay the news and to tell you to come for the funeral. It's in a couple days, you gonna be able to make it?" Diego asks, knowing she might be in the middle of a case. Diego is the only one of her siblings who knows about her... occupational choice and well, hazards. The only reason being, he has a somewhat similar- albeit less dangerous- job himself. 

"Yeah, I should be able to. But, uh... well, I might have to bring my partners. They can wander around the city during the funeral, but they'll have to stay in the house while I'm there. I don't know how much anyone will like that." (Y/N) mutters into the speaker, wondering how the hell she'll be able to bear seeing her family again, let alone tell Sam and Dean about them.

"Well, I mean they're your best friends. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, it's not like your gonna let them attend the funeral." Diego jokes, receiving a forced chuckle from his sister. "Hang on, do they not know yet? They at least know about your powers right?"

"Well, here's the thing... they know I have powers, but they don't know who my family is. So, that'll be quite the conversation." (Y/N) complains, Diego just laughs again, "At least, I get to see everyone- almost everyone- again. I miss them."

Understanding who she meant and being uncomfortable with the topic, Diego changes the subject, "I have to go, see you soon." Before she could even reply, Diego had hung up. She stood there for a moment, taking in the unwanted information she just received. She lets a couple tears fall before wiping them away and stepping back inside the motel.

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