Chapter 2: Jin Uchiha's death

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Third person's P.O.V

It has been two years since the birth of Jin and Orochimaru's beautiful daughter Aimi Uchiha.

The family of three was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

"Hey, mom," Aimi said.

"What is it, Aimi?" Jun asked.

"Can you," Aimi said.

"Can I want?" Jim asked.

"Take me to the park this afternoon," Aimi said.

"I wish I could, but I must leave for a mission this afternoon. So your father will have to take you," Jin said.

"Okay," Aimi said. "Will you take me?" She asked, looking at Orochimaru.

"Sure, I can take you to the park," Orochimaru said.

"Thanks, father," Aimi said, drinking the rest of her apple juice.

"Well, I'm going to go prepare my tools for my mission," Jin said, picking up her empty plate now that she was done eating.

"Okay, I clean the dish if everyone is done eating now," Orochimaru said, taking the plate away from Jin and then grabbing his own now, waiting for Aimi's plate.

"I'm finished," Aimi said, giving Orochimaru her plate.

"I will be washing the dish now. We leave for the park at noon." Orochimaru said.

Aimi nodded and ran off to her room.


Aimi was now hugging my mom goodbye since she was now about to leave for her mission.

"When you come back?" Aimi asked, squeezing her mother.

"Relax, my beautiful snake princess. Your mother will be back as soon as her mission is complete," Orochimaru said, trying to get Aimi to let go of Jin.

"Your father is right. My mission will possibly take a month, but I might be back sooner if it doesn't take too long to complete my investigation of some strange activity that has been going on in a village nearby." Jin said, kissing Aimi's forehead. "So don't worry, I bee back as soon as I can."

"See, there is no need to worry, my Snake princess," Orochimaru said.

Aimi nodded and let her mom go. "Okay, see you soon."

"Good that, my brave girl," Jin said, smiling at Aimi. "Now you go have fun at the park with your father," Jin said, looking at Orochimaru.

"We have fun, and who knows, she might make some friends," Orochimaru said. "Love you, dear," he said, kissing his wife.

"Love you too, my Snake," Jin said after she and Orochimaru finished kissing.

"Well, bye, see you when I get back," Jin said, opening the door.

"Yeah, you later, my dear," Orochimaru said, waving bye to his wife.

"Let me go shower, and then we head to the park," Orochimaru said, closing the door. Before heading back to his room to shower.

"Alright," Aimi said.


Aimi's P.O.V

Father and I were now heading to the park.

"Park time!" I shouted, running towards the park.

"Woah, calm down," Father said, grabbing my arm.

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