Chapter 6 : Park

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It has now been a week now since Aimi's father Orochimaru left for his mission. Aimi was spending most of her time training by herself after class or with Tsunade and also on her days off for the Ninja Academy.

Aimi was currently in her backyard working on her shuriken justu. When she suddenly heard someone call her name.

"Aimi!" A voice shouted.

She turned around to see her Aunt Tsunade heading her way.

"Hey, Aunt Tsunade," She greeted. "Is there a reason you're calling me?" She asked.

"Yeah, a girl named Haru Yamanaka came here looking for you," Tsunade replied.

"What did she come here for?" Aimi asked.

"She wanted it to know if you want to hang out with her and some others at the park," Tsunade replied.

"I see, and what did you tell her?" Aimi asked.

"That you are outside training," she replied. "But I will check to see if you want to join them later on today at the park."

"Haru, my friend, but I rather stay here and train," Aimi said.

'This girl is always training it like that all that important to her. Orochimaru did mention she did train a lot.' Tsunade thought, watching Aimi hit every signal target with her shurikens.

"Nice aim," Tsunade said.

"Thanks," I said. "Is this something else you need from me?" She asked.

"Yeah, tell me, why do you train so hard?" Tsunade asked.

"Well, I need to get stronger to make my dream come true," Aimi said.

"And what exactly is your dream?" Tsunade asked.

"My dream is to become a strong shinobi and make my father proud to have such an amazing daughter."

"That's a nice dream, but why do you think he wouldn't be proud to have you as his daughter?" Tsunade asked.

"It just he a famous shinobi and I'm his daughter. I should be a great shinobi like him."

"True, you're his daughter, but you don't have to be just like him. You're a great shinobi just the way you are. I'm positive he feels the same way."

"Do you really think he proud of me, Aunt Tsunade?"

"Yes, I do," Tsunade said. "Your four years old, almost five years old in a month. And you already know more justu than the average academy kid. If he were here, he would tell you the same thing. "

"You really believe he would say that?"

"I admit he is not that open with his feelings, but I can tell he loves you a lot. "

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Come on, let's have lunch. Then I'm taking you to the Park to play."

"Fine, I play at the park. I guess I did enough training for today."

"Good, I didn't want to have to force you to come inside. Orochimaru told me that force might be necessary to get you to stop training."

"That was only a few times," Aimi said, puffing her cheeks.

"You're such a goof making that face," Tsunade said, laughing. "Come on. I'm making ramen for lunch and then off to the park to play."

Aimi nodded and followed Tsunade inside the house to eat lunch.


Aimi's P.O.V

After eating lunch, I was now heading to the park with Aunt Tsunade.

"Hey, Aunt Tsunade," I said.

"Yeah," Tsunade said.

"Why did you want me to go to the park so bad?"

"Because one day you will be put on a team. So you should get to know your possible future teammates, so it is easier to work with them in the future."

I just nodded, understanding what Aunt Tsunade meant.

Aunt Tsunade and I are pretty close, but she can be pretty scary.

We continued walking until we reached the playground, where I saw Haru and some other kids.

"Alright, we're here."

"I'm going to go play," I said.

"Okay. I will be sitting over here," Tsunade said, walking over towards the bench.

"Alright!" I shouted, running over towards the kids.

"Aimi, you came!" Haru shouted waving at me when she saw me heading her way.

"Yeah," I said, shrugging.

"Then now we're just waiting for one more person," Haru said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Obito," she replied.

I tilted my head to the side, trying to recall who Obito was again.

'Obito?' I thought.


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