Chapter 11: The Sakura Festival

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A/N: After this chapter, there will be a time skip. Also, I plan on making another Kakashi-love story in the future, but it will take place during the Naruto timeline but start off a little bit before it.

Anyway, on to the chapter.


A week had passed since Aimi's birthday celebration. Today was finally the day of the Sakura festival. The festival lasted for about three days and was the crowning event in Konoha.

Villagers were scrambling about trying to finish the last of the preparations to be ready for the start of the festival. The village was booming and livelier than usual.

Aimi spent the day getting ready for the festival. She brushed her hair into a ponytail that was tied up with a purple bow. She then also put on her new snake locket to go with her new purple kimono with flowers on it and her white pants.


It was noon, and Aimi was all ready to head out to the festival with her father.

"Father!" Aimi yelled, running downstairs.

Orochimaru turned to see his daughter standing in front of the stairs looking beautiful in her new outfit.

"You look beautiful, my little snake," Orochimaru said, smiling at Aimi.

"Thanks, father, Aimi said. "You look nice also," she said, looking at his pink kimono and blue pants.

"You're welcome, and thank you for the compliment. Now come on time to head to the festival," he said.

"Yay, festival time!" Aimi cheered.

"My little snake, you sure love the Sakura festival that your personality with from your usually quiet and serious personality," Orochimaru said, chuckling.

"I can't help it. The festival is just so fun!" Aimi said, grabbing Orochimaru's hand and heading towards the door.

'She so goofy sometimes. I'm lucky to have her as my daughter. She is my light in this awful world that took my parents and my wife.' Orochimaru thought, looking at his daughter, who was holding his hand.


Aimi's P.O.V

"So what do you what to do first, my little snake?" Father asked.

The idea of getting food sounded good, but it was still early in the day, and I wanted to see everything that was being offered at the festival.

"Can we walk around for a little while?" I asked.

"Alright, " Father replied as the two of us began to walk around to explore the festival.

About 20 minutes passed, and I spotted a familiar sliver hair boy.

"Kakashi," I said, recognizing that the boy was.

"What are you looking at?" Father asked with a smirk on his face. I sighed, knowing that smirk meant only one thing he was about to say, something embarrassing.

"I was looking at nothing, so don't try and embarrass me to get an answer out of me," I said.

"So you weren't stareing at a young boy named Kakashi, your future boyfriend," Father said, chuckling.

"I don't like him that way," I said, feeling my cheeks heating up.

"That's a lie. Looking at your face and eyes tell me otherwise, but I won't force you to admit the truth. Your only five years old," father said.

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