Chapter 15 : Aimi's kind Words

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When Aimi and Orochimaru arrived at Ichiraku ramen, they ordered a bowl of Miso ramen with extra eggs.

"Yummy," Aimi said, looking at her delicious bowl of ramen.

She was so excited about her ramen that she didn't realize a familiar sliver hair boy sat down next to her.

"Your such a goof when it comes to food you love eating," Orochimaru said, chuckling at Aimi's behavior as he noticed the young Sliver hair boy sitting next to her ordering his bowl of ramen.

Aimi noticed her father looking at the seat on the other side of her and turned to see what he was looking at when she noticed Kakashi.

"Oh, good afternoon Kakashi," Aimi greeted.

The recent death of his father still broke Kakashi, but the voice that greeted him made him forget everything for a moment. He was just focused on the gold eye ravenette that sat next to him.

'She might not realize it, but she definitely likes him.' Orochimaru thought, smiling at his daughter, who was now focused on Kakashi.

"Good afternoon Aimi." He replied hoarsely, most likely due to crying about his father's death.

To his surprise, Aimi didn't comment on it. She simply looked into his onyx eyes and offered him a warm smile showing her snake fangs.

He knew she probably knew about his father's death since her father was close to his father. Yet she didn't look at him with pity.

Aimi continued to smile at Kakashi as she spoke, " I heard about your father. I doubt you want to receive pity and hear people, but I want you to know..."  She paused before continuing.

"... I know how it feels to lose someone who means a lot to you. It is a painful feeling, but you will get through it. It might seem impossible but it is not. There isn't anything you can't overcome as long you have someone by your side to get through this difficult time.  You just need someone to help you through this Kakashi."

Aimi hoped her words were getting through to him. She might not have been a close friend with him, but she didn't want to see him hurting.

'That my little snake always so caring she just like how her mom always tried to cheer me up when I was upset.' Orochimaru thought.

"I guess you're right, Aimi. All I need is someone to help me through this, but I'm alone n-now I d-don't have anyone. I don't have a-anyone to help me."

Aimi noticed the crack in his voice and stood up and walked over to him. Catching him off guard and pulling him into a hug, she gently rubbed his back as she told him soothing words.

"You're not alone, Kakashi. You have the entire village and me. We may not be close friends, but no matter what, I won't let you walk alone. I'll be here by your side and help remove the pain."

Takashi silently let a few tears roll down his face as he held tightly onto Aimi.

"Thank you."

"There is no need to thank me."

Orochimaru smiled at the scene in front of him. 'They look so cute together. Aimi, my snake, you are growing into a kind person like your mother, but you have my skills. You make a great shinobi.' He thought while eating the last of his ramen.

After Aimi let Kakashi have his moment, and he had calmed down, she kindly gave him a napkin to wipe off the remaining of his tears.

"You should eat your lunch now. I'm going to be heading out with my father now."

Orochimaru stood up and paid for their meal. They were making their way out of the ramen shop.

"Bye, Aimi and Orochimaru-sama come again," Teuchi said.

"We will Teuchi your ramen too good not to come again," Aimi said.

"She right gald you remember to give us extra eggs," Orochimaru said.

"Of course, I know how much you both love eggs, so I make sure to put extra in your ramen."

"Yeah, we do. We will head to the library to get my daughter a new book."

Orochimaru said as they continued walking away from the shop.


Aimi and Orochimaru arrived at the library.

"What book should I get?" Aimi asked out loud as she looked at numerous sight of books inside the library.

"What kind of book are you looking for?" Orochimaru asked as they walked over to the closest shelf of books near them.

"I don't K-" Aimi then trailed off when a book on the shelf caught her attention.

"Something wrong?" Orochimaru asked.

"The study of reading a person's body language," Aimi said, looking at the book.

'How to tell what they're feeling by body language a way to read a person by their body language.' Aimi thought, looking through the first few pages.

"You interested in that book?" Orochimaru asked.

"A little is it actually possible to read someone by studying their body language. Like, can you actually tell someone is lying due to their blinking pattern?" Aimi asked.

"A person's body language does tell you a lot about a person, " Orochimaru replied. "Go ahead and get the book. You might enjoy reading it."

As Aimi thought about her father's words. She decided to give the book a read and check it out.

Aimi and Orochimaru then headed home for the rest of the day.


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