Chapter 14 : Taijustu Training

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Third person's P.O.V

Aimi charges at Orochimaru, aiming a kick at his stomach but quickly stops her kick by catching her foot.

"You got to do better than that if you plan on hitting me.  I admit your speed is not too bad," Orochimaru said, releasing her foot and tossing her back.

"You might have caught that attack, but you won't catch the next one," Aimi said, landing on her feet and stopping herself from hitting the floor after Orochimaru tossed her.

"We will see about my young snake. Make your next move," Orochimaru said, signaling her to attack with his hand.

"Before I attack, quick question."

"What is it?"

"You said in training we will start with the easy part like taijutsu then move on to the more advanced training like ninjutsu, genjustu, and Kenjutsu. What does my Kekkei genkai count as?"

"Well, that would be considered mainly as genjutsu, but we work on it other times to improve your ability to read people's movements. For now, just focusing on your  taijutsu."

"So it mainly a genjutsu focus," Aimi said.

"Yes," Orochimaru said.

Aimi then narrowed her eyes and determined her next attack.

'If i'm going to land an attack on father. I have to move faster and study his movements better.' Aimi thought.

Aimi then charged at Orochimaru with her right foot in a kicking stance.  She saw Orochimaru's hand about to catch her foot.

She flipped her body above, avoiding his and going the kick towards his chest.

"Nice move flipping above,  but not good enough," Orochimaru said, catching her foot and stopping her kick again.

"Well, I'm done yet!" Aimi shouted, aiming a punch toward Orochimaru's face, but this time she was a little bit closer to hitting him until he jumped out of the way.

"That was  close, my snake, but I still need to do better than that."

'It not one of the legendary sannin for no reason.  He moves too fast. I have to catch him off guard somehow.' Aimi thought while thinking of a strategy.

Aimi then jumped into the air aiming another kick toward Orochimaru's chest, but he grabbed her foot once again.

Aimi then smirked at her father, causing him to narrow his eyes.

'Why is she smirking when I stop her kick.' Orochimaru thought with his eyes narrowed.

Aimi then aimed a punch at Orochimaru's face while he was still holding her foot but caught it with his other hand.

'I see she planned to try and punch me while I was holding her foot. So she wanted me to catch her foot. Not a bad move, but she didn't think about the fact that my other hand was free.'


After four hours of training, Aimi was sitting on the ground, panting.

"I that enough training for today. You did a nice trying to hit me," Orochimaru said.

"No, I didn't. I was barely able even to get close to hitting you. You move way too fast," Aimi said once she caught her breath.

"Of course, speed has always been my specialty. Plus, you didn't expect me to make it easy now that you're a shinobi and not an academy student?"

"True, I didn't think beating my idol would be easy. I just hope that I would have a little bit of a chance."

"Maybe you have better luck next time. Come on, let's get some lunch from Ichiraku ramen?"

"Yeah, that sounds to me, father," Aimi said, standing up. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it, my young snake?" Orochimaru asked.

"You summon snakes, and so do I, but what did mom summon?"

"Why do you ask? Do you not like summoning snakes?"

"No, it's not that I love my snakes. I'm still learning their names and still working on summoning larger ones. I just don't recall ever seeing her summon."

"Well, you might not remember seeing her summon, but you used to sleep with one of her summoning animals after having a nightmare," Orochimaru said.

"I did?"

"Yeah, Kage was one of her summoning cheetahs. Your mom was known for speed that what her cheetah summonings were for," Orochimaru said.

"Now that I think about that name Kage does sound familiar," Aimi said.

"It is possible to have to summon more than one, so if you want to summon cheetahs. I have her summoning contract somewhere in the house."

"I think I'm good with just snakes for now, maybe in the future."

"Alright, any more questions for me," Orochimaru asked, looking at Aimi, who was walking next to him as they were heading to Ichiraku ramen to get lunch.

"Yeah, can we go to the library after getting lunch? I want to see if there are any  good books to read other than the medical book that Tsunade got me."

"Sure, after lunch, we stop at the library for you to get a book, but you continue reading that medical book, or Tsunade punish you."

"I will continue reading it. I just want another book to read for fun when I'm not training or studying about the human body and different medicine times."

"You are like me, enjoying reading for fun," Orochimaru said, smiling at his daughter as they continued to walk to Ichiraku ramen.

Aimi smiled back at her father, happy to see that genuine smile on his face instead of his fake one.

'Father, a real smile is so nice. I wish he had it on his more often.' Aimi thought as she continued to walk to Ichiraku ramen with her father.


Hey lovely reader!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of this chapter.

Q: What was your favorite part?

Q: What did you think of her taijutsu training?

Q: What do you think of the summoning animal Aimi's mother has?

Q: If Orochimaru stays good, what do you think he will do in the future?

Thanks for reading!

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