Chapter 13: Aimi's decision

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A/N: My  Oc Aimi is 6 months older than Kakashi making her 6 years when she graduates.   So in case your wonder Kakashi still technically still graduates at five like it was mentioned on the website. Since his birthday is in September and I'm guessing they graduate in May. So the age being later shouldn't change any except Obito and the others being in the academy and an extra year or two instead of graduating at 9 years old, and a little older when becoming Chunin.

Anyway on to the chapter.


Aimi's P.O.V

After many hours spent last night thinking about the options, the Hokage gave me before I need up going to bed. I thought about which option would help me the most to achieve my dream.  I finally made my decision and was going to tell the Hokage after eating the breakfast that my father made for me this morning.

"Good morning," I greeted walking inside the kitchen.

"Morning," Father said placing a plate of pancakes, bacon, and toast in front of me. Along with a glass of apple juice. "So did you make a decision you were up late thinking." He said.

"After thinking about it for a while I was able to figure out which choice would help me the most to reach my goal," I replied.

"I see then after breakfast we head to the Hokage office. I'm looking forward to hear which option you picked, but have a guess on which one you picked," Father said.

"Well wouldn't be surprised if guess right with how smart you are. Most of the time except for not telling aunt Tsunade I graduate the day I did. She sure did punch you hard for not telling her," I said at his right arm where Aunt Tsunade punched him.

"My arm doesn't hurt as much anymore. Speaking of her she wants you to keep reading those medical books. She plans on starting your training to use medical justu once you study the books she gave you," Father said drinking his juice.

"I finish the other book, but not the most recent one she gave me," I said standing up and putting my dishes in the sink. "I will be ready after I take a shower and get dressed."

"I will be waiting for you down here," Father said.

I nodded and headed upstairs to get ready to leave to talk to the Hokage.


After taking a nice warm shower. I got dressed in my new black jacket with the Uchiha symbol on the back that my Uncle Fugaku got me as a graduation gift. I was also wearing a dark purple shirt, black ANBU-style pants, and blue ninja shoes. I also had on my green headband.

Once I was all dressed I headed downstairs. "Ready to go father," I said.

"Alright let's get going then my young snake," Father said walking over to the door.

"Coming," I said following after him.


When we arrived at the Hokage's office father knocked on the door.

"Come in," The Hokage said.

Father opened the door and we both walked inside.

"Good morning Orochimaru and Aimi. I take it you are here to tell me your decision," The Hokage said.

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning, and yeah I came to tell you my decision."

"So what have you decided?"

"I decided to learn on my own with the help of my father. He is better at teaching me than anyone else. Plus I want him to see how much I get close to surpassing him one day," I said with a smile on my face.

The Hokage smiled at me for a few seconds before speaking up.

"Alright since this is your decision I will also be sending you on missions with your father. There will be times when he will be sent on missions that you aren't ready for. So you will have to train by yourself. So if you feel it is too hard you can always change your decision and I assign you a sensei who will always be around to train you. Since I know it far more difficult to train yourself."

"I can handle training myself besides I can always ask my Uncle  
Fugaku and his wife to help me train."

"My little snake will be able to handle it see smart for her age," Father said ruffling my hair.

"Very well you may leave I will see you when there is a mission for you," The Hokage said.

"Alright, my snake let's start your first training session," Father said.

I nodded and follow him out of the office.


"So where are we going?" I asked as I follow my father through the village.

"Heading to one of the training grounds to train there instead of the backyard it has more room to train anyway."

"Alright what are we doing first?" I asked.

"We're going to start with taijutsu then move on to the more advanced training like ninjutsu, genjustu, and Kenjutsu."

"Okay," I said as I noticed Kakashi walking towards the Hokage office. "Hey, father can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?"

"You know Kakashi right?"

"Yeah," Father said. "Why are you asking finally admitting you like him?"

"I don't like that. It's just he has been a real jerk lately was wondering if you knew why."

"You know Sakumo Hatake?"

"Yeah, the guy from the day of my first day of the academy."

"Correct well he died taking his life not that long ago so his son Kakashi is torn up about it so his behavior is kind of cold," he explained." I'm sure you heard people talking  about him so you probably know why he killed himself."

"I recall hearing something about failing a mission because he chose to save his comrades, but I don't bother listening to people talking about others. It's rude just like I ignore the things they say about you being a threat to children."

"Yeah, there is a reason for that but it's not important anyway that why Kakashi acting the way he is."

'I see maybe there is something I can do to help him. Also, wonder why they say my father is dangerous to kids, but he doesn't seem in the mood to talk about it so I just won't bother him about it.'

"I see."

"Now come on let's get to  training where here at the training ground."

I looked up to see we were in a training with trees and a river nearby.

"Alright ready to start," I said.

"Good then come at me with your taijutsu and try landing a couple of hits on me," Father said getting into a fighting stance.

"I show you what I got after all I will surpass you one day!" I said with determination while getting into my fight stance.


Hey lovely reader!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of this chapter.

Q: What was your favorite part?

Q: How many guess right on what Aimi's decision was going to be?

Q: How do you think Aimi's first training session will go?

Q: Do you think Aimi will be able to help Kakashi?

Thanks for reading!

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