Chapter 9

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I landed in the space Alex and the others called a parking lot still smelling faintly of meat from a few suns agp. I looked around at the cars there but there was something different this time.

A lot of them looked strange, the bottom parts were being held up by some sort of stand and all of those rubbery things that let the car move around were gone. A few of them had their heads open and others were stripped of everything it seems. With only their bones of metal left behind.

I looked up and saw that it was already getting dark, but that did seem to mean less humans were around in their 'cars' so I didn't need to worry about getting hit, shot, or destroying anything accidentally.

I walked away from the parking lot and onto the black stuff on the ground that the 'cars' seemed to like going on. There were larger black things on those raised platforms that more cars seemed to go on, but I didn't want to risk those as they seemed to have a lot more on them, even nearing moon rise.

I walked around for a second, looking at the human buildings that lined the edges of the street. There were cars lining both sides of the street and then I came to a path that split left right and kept on going straight. I looked up at the blinking yellow light hanging off of a thin wire and wondered what it was.

All it took as a slight jump and I was able to grab the yellow blinking light thing and bring it down with me, but the thin black things that it was connected to didn't seem to want to let it go.

I let the earth take me back to the ground hoping that the thin black thing would give up and let me have the blinking box, but it wouldn't let go. So I cut it, the black line seemed to shudder for a moment before a loud snapping sound rang in my head and the pole along with the black line went flying back to the way they had been and kept on going where they crushed a car and finally went still, but then the car started to make sound and lights from the human buildings started turning on.

I looked at the box in my claws and saw that it wasn't blinking yellow anymore. What? I tilted and turned it a few times to see what has gone wrong and all that was there were two cut off black things attached to the back of it. Was that what killed it? Why was it blinking before, but not now?

I dropped it on the ground as a door opened and when I took a step forwards the car noises and the sounds around me stopped. I quickly went around the corner where I stopped and crouched behind a car that wasn't making noise.

The noises started again and I saw several humans walk out from their houses. There was a bigger house further down the path that I had gone to and I had to move again as human children started to come out. Some looked older and more like the adults, but most were little and looked scared as they looked around in the dark.

I lept up, causing the sounds to stop and everyone to freeze as I dug my claws into the he stone of a building and with another push of my legs I was now on the top of the building. It was flat and seemed to be a nice place to sleep, cold, but there was no machine anywhere in sight, but I wanted to see what the humans would do before I went to sleep here.

I went over to the side as the noises started again and the humans moved faster and peeked over the side to watch the human children and mid adults to see what they were going to do. The older ones went over to the broken light thing and the crushed cars before looking around, the littler ones stayed at the building and looked around frantically.

I saw one of the older humans look at me with glowing eyes and they looked surprised for a moment. I didn't wait for them to tell the other humans that I was here before letting everything freeze once again and gliding over to the bigger building, it had four little platforms that were raised above the slanted roof of the house. So I landed on the one closest me and looked over to see if the human had noticed, and when everyone unfroze the person looked around in confusion for a moment before raising their shoulders strangely and coming back to where the littler ones were standing.

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