Chapter 11

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*Lisa's POV*
It was the third day Shane was a no show at school. I decided to skip first lesson and head to reception to see if that had any news they could finally share with me.

I trailed down the empty corridor and through to the main office, there was Mrs Blackburn sat at her desk sipping on a coffee.

"Lisa, honey, what can I do for you?" She asked with a smile on her face, brightening up the room.

"Look, Mrs, I know you're not supposed to give any information out, but Shane is my boyfriend and I'm worried about him, please could you tell me something that's happened, or where he is so I can visit him." I asked her, trying to be as straight forward and polite as possible, although I was a little agitated.

"Honey, I found out yesterday, he's at the Central Hospital in the town centre, something happened with his father, now don't tell anyone I told you this, I could get into a lot of trouble." She whispered secretively to me, checking that no one was around to listen. I was devastated, my poor Shaney. I had to go out of school asap.

"Sign me out? Say that my mom picked me up to go to the dentist or something, could you do that?" I asked, also whispering. She smiled and nodded, giving me a wink. I smiled back at her and walked out of the main school doors.

Instead of walking all the way to the Central Hospital, I decided to use my lunch money and take a bus to the town centre, my legs were too shaken to walk.
I waited a few minutes for the regular bus to come at the stop I was waiting at, before it eventually pulled up Infront of me, exhaust polluting the air behind it.

I climbed up the unsturdy bus steps and took a seat near the back, resting my school bag on the seat next to me. I leaned my head against the glass window and sighed deeply, causing it too fog up as the slow bus started to drive.

I sat there and daydreamed about Shane getting beaten up. I started to cry a little, then a little more, and then even more. I tried to be as quiet as possible but nothing worked and I attracted almost everyone's attention.
My sobs continued as a young ginger boy sat next to me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, rubbing my back comfortingly. I shook my head a wiped away my tears.

"My...b-boyfriend is in h-hospital." I cried, sobbing inbetween my words. I knew there was no doubt my mascara had run down my face and onto my cheeks when I had wiped my eyes.

"Aw, I'm so sorry to hear..." He replied in a comforting tone, I gave him a sad smile and wiped away my last tear as the bus journey came to an end. It was my stop, town centre.

"I've got to get off, thanks for comforting me." I thanked him, grabbing my bag from the floor where he had replaced it. He nodded and waved a little as I squeezed past him and walked down the bus aisle.
I paid for my return ticket and jumped off, the hospital in sight, about two blocks away.

When I finally arrived there I walked up to the receptionist and asked her politely if Shane Dawson was in any of their wards. She replied with a simple yes and lead me towards the unit he was resting in, questioning me on who I was.
She opened the door for me and he was laying there, looking almost unrecognisable.

*Shane's POV*


"Lisa!" I called out as loud as I could, my voice hoarse and sore, sounding like a croak. I made an attempt to sit up on the hospital bed I was laying uncomfortably on but gave up as my injured rib got in the way.

"Baby! What did he do?!" She cried, running in through the door and clinging onto my non-broken arm.

"It's not as bad as it looks..." I tried to lie to her, but she knew exactly how much of a mess I was in.

"I'm sorry, so sorry." She apologised, her mascara starting to run. You could see from the redness in her eyes she had already been crying. I didn't want her to see me like this, but I needed to see her so badly.

" you..." I whispered, stroking her cheek as my eyes started to fill up with water.

"Don't cry." She reassured me, lifting my long hair out of my eyes. I could see her face much better then, she was so beautiful. I was lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend, having no idea how it all happened.

We stared longingly into each other's eyes before she eventually ducked down to my level and conjoined our soft lips for a delicate and passionate kiss. I rested my hand on her hip as she broke then kiss apart and rested her forehead on mine, still glaring into mine.

"I love you too." She replied to my earlier statement. I knew that all I ever needed in life was her. Lisa Schwartz.

Dear Lisa...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat