Chapter 10

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*Lisa's POV*

It had been 2 days since Shane was a no show at school and failed to contact me. I started to worry a lot, the school wouldn't give any details away. Even when I told them he was my boyfriend they still refused and said it wasn't their right to say anything.

My life began to feel distant and empty, like how it used to feel when I was with Aiden. I didn't realise how high I was until then. It had only been 2 days but I had a bad feeling. A really bad feeling.

*Shane's POV*
My mom helped to wheel me into the hospital doors. My legs were too bruised to walk so the nurses offered a wheelchair for me. The typical hospital smell filled the air as the soft blow of air conditioning hit us when we stepped through the automatic doors.
My mom had to explain to the nurses that I had fell down the stairs, but they were still suspicious.
I hadn't been in contact with Lisa for like, two days at that point and I didn't want to worry her, her grades were bad enough already.

We sat down in the waiting room, pains everywhere still throbbing. My ribs, my face, my arms, legs and most of all my heart. I failed to understand why such an evil man could do this to his own family.

The painful wait lasted at least 1 hour before the nurse called us in to get me checked out. My stomach starting churning as my mom pushed me through the door that lead to a long corridor. The nurse showed us to a room that was small and a little old lady sat there, smiles on her face.

"Shane, isn't it?" She asked, looking at me through her glasses. I nodded and smiled back politely.

"Okay, so tell me where the pain is." She said, starting to feel my ribs pushing pressure on them. She came across my left one, somewhere near the bottom and I gasped.

"There." I whispered, in pain.

"Okay, and your leg." She said repeating the process on my left leg. I informed her when I felt pain and she nodded gently.

"Okay. We will put you through to get an X-ray as soon as possible, just follow that corridor and turn left, sit outside until the nurses call you in." She told us, stepping outside of her little room and pointing down the long corridor filled with lots of people.

My mom thanked her and started to wheel me down the corridor, following the exact directions the nurse gave us. We sat in the X-ray waiting room, next to us there was a young boy all by himself, with a broken arm looking sorry for himself.

"What happened to you?" He asked me, looking glum.

"I...uh, fell down the stairs." I replied, thinking of any excuse to cover up the truth.

"Oh, my mom pushed me into a car and it hit me, breaking my arm." He mumbled. A wave of sadness washed over me. It was unfair how many children got abused by their parents.

"I'm sorry..." I apologised, immediately feeling bad for the boy. It seemed so much worse when I seen it happen to someone else.

"Shane?" A young nurse called, peeping out from the X-ray room. I nodded and my mom quickly wheeled me, following her through to the room.

Once I had my X-rays, another nurse confirmed that I had broken 2 of my left ribs, my right leg and my right hand. I was in such a shape the doctors said that I shouldn't attended school for at least another 2 weeks.
You're probably thinking "oh awesome, two weeks off school" but nope. I just wanted to see Lisa.

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