Chapter 13

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*Lisa's POV*

I woke up laying next to Shane, facing his back, in his extremely uncomfortable single person bed. It was fair to say that I had the worst night sleep ever, but I didn't care because I got to spend it with the person I love. He was so cute when he was asleep, he didn't snore but he just quietly made a 'mm' noise every time he exhaled. I smiled at him and grabbed my phone off the shabby bedside table.
I had 2 texts of my mom, she didn't really care too much.
I unlocked my Nokia and clicked on messages.
The two typical messages from a mom who tries to be protective; Will u b home 2nite? And the other, b safe.

I scoffed at the messages and threw my phone down a little too hard, causing shane to stir.

"What the fuck!" He shouted, causing him to jump back and hit his head on the pale blue wall behind him.

"Sorry!" I apologised, putting my hand behind his head and kissing his cheek.

"You just scared me. Sorry I get jumpy at times." He admitted, his breathing slowing down a little from the scare. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at him being such a cute idiot.

"Hey! Don't laugh at my nervousness." He chuckled back, playfully nudging me. I smiled at him and reached forward, he did the same until our lips united for a kiss.

"Well come on, get ready. You're taking me out for breakfast." Shane demanded, trying to roll over in bed but still was laying on his back.

"Excuse me." I replied with a shocked look on my face, trying to sound like I didn't want to take him out; of course I did.

"Well, you agreed to be my carer so you've got to, hmm... help me eat, help me dress, help me shower, help me shit, wipe my ass and give me lots of kisses." He said aloud, puckering his lips. I refused to bend down and peck his lips.

"I don't really think the last one is compatible with being a carer, maybe you'll just have to wait until you're better." I laughed, bending down and rubbing my nose against his.

"Okay, okay, just dress me already." He encouraged, holding out his arm. I grabbed him arm and pulled him into an upright position in his bed and then jumped out and wheeled his chair sideways against his bed. I helped him slide along the bed, him wincing painfully a few times, until we eventually got him sat in his wheelchair.

"I'll pick your clothing for today." I volunteered, walking over to his closet.

"Before I open this, nothing dodgy - like a dead body - is going to fall out, correct?" I asked, laughing a little. Shane started to smiled and laughed.

"Maybe, I haven't checked in there for a while." He replied, chuckling even more.

I open the doors and there was no dead body, what a relief. I picked out a cute pale blue shirt which had the ninja turtles on it and a pair of almost skin tight denim jeans to go with the shirt.

I walked over to Shane and got down on my knees and began to lift up his shirt. He suddenly put his non-broken arm in the way of his shirt to stop me from taking it off and lifting an eyebrow.

"You first." He demanded, winking at me. I laughed at his pathetic attempt.

"Nice try." I said, winking back and finally removing his shirt. I scanned his torso, he didn't have the best body, but it didn't enter my mind, he was perfect all over.

"I'm sorry I'm so fat. I was working on it before this happened." He shrugged, looking down at his broken body.

"Shut up! You're so perfect and I wouldn't want you any other way." I replied honestly, pecking him on his temple before picking his clean shirt up off the bed and carefully pulling it over his head and shoulders, followed by his arms.

When I finally finished helping him get dressed, I had to clumsily help him walk down the stairs and sit him in the wheelchair which I previously carried to the bottom of the stairs. The walk was painful for Shane but soon ended and he was placed safely back into his chair.

"You survived!" I cheered him on, looking at how exhausted he was.

"Just about." He replied, catching his breath.

"Hey mom, Lisa is taking me out for breakfast. I'll see you later." Shane called out to his mom who was sitting in the lounge area by herself.
Teresa gave us both a short and simple "bye" and we were off.

I opened the latch on Shane's shabby front door and opened the door wide, before walking behind of Shane's wheelchair to continue pushing him down the street. His chair just about fit through the door frame, which almost started to panic me, although Shane didn't seem to care much.

"So where should we go? McDonald's? Your choice." I said out loud, offering to Shane as we trailed together through the almost busy street in the town. Shane didn't reply and fell dead silent.

"Shane? Honey?" I called to him, hoping to get a response. I then stopped in my tracks and walked around to face him.

He was staring out into the street, with watery eyes, at something in particular. I swivelled my body around to see a big built man stood in the distance; he appeared to be giving Shane a deathly cold look. Shane's breathing started to become short and deep as my stomach started to fill with worry.
Could it be...him?

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