Chapter 8

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*Shane's POV*

My alarm woke me up for 6am, my new early morning routine ahead of me.
I got straight out of bed and did the usual, showered, straightened my hair, chose nice clothes and put a little make up on.

Out the door I go. Today I'm going to ask Lisa on a date, because fuck it. If I want this girl I've got to work for this girl.
The walk to school was long, cold and boring but I walked fast so I could catch Lisa before school started.
I walked in the entrance doors and aimlessly around the cafeteria looking for her, usually sat by herself.
I saw many blonde girls before I found the one I was looking for the most. I began to walk towards her, unintentionally catching her attention. I smiled and waved even though I was close enough to just talk to her.

"Hey Lis-"

"Shane I might have to move schools. My grades have dropped rapidly in the last two weeks and my parents are worried that I'm not getting the attention and education I need at school." She burst out, cutting me off. My heart dropped and tears actually became to form in my eyes.
Then I had a idea.

"I could help you! I have great grades in everything." I blurted out a bit too confidently. Her eyes lit up and she started to smile at me, her soul literally brightened up Infront of me.

"Yes! That would be so awesome! Let's bunk off and go now! Quick before the bell rings." She hurried me off, pulling at my arm.
Hey this is like a mini date I guess. I thought to myself like a dork.
As the security was very low at our school, and frankly the teachers didn't give a shit, we sneaked out without any problems.

"Where are we going?" I asked Lisa. She looked like she knew where we were heading.

"Our little spot of course." She replied confidently. I nodded in understanding as we continued down the road.

"Are you going to be a gentleman and hold my hand then?" She asked, stopping dead in her tracks and looking down at my hand.
Just then my hands started to sweat. Great.

"Uh they're kinda sweaty." I admitted, but she shrugged and grabbed my hand, making me get butterflies, once again.

"Mine are too." She smiled before tugging my arm to start walking again.
We arrived at our spot at last, the journey being peaceful and even romantic.

We sat down against a tree big enough for both of us and Lisa whipped out her math homework. I had to explain to her how to find a hypotenuse on a triangle, which took a while to say the least.

"Hey Lisa..." I said, stopping her from working for a moment. She looked at me as to tell me to continue with what I was saying.

"Do you like... like me? You know in more than a friends way." I asked without hesitation. I felt comfortable with asking her this, I was fine with it if she didn't like me, as long as I could spend lots of time with her.

"If I didn't like you would I do this," She replied, before kneeling up and pushing my shoulders against the tree. I was confused, until she gently joined her soft lips onto mine. I closed my eyes as I started to kiss her back, all sorts of emotions running through my body. I put my hands on her hips as we continued to kiss, long and passionately. We gasped for breath and finally broke apart, our foreheads leaning against one another's as we looked lovingly into each other's eyes.

"Is that a yes?" I mumbled softly, still gazing into her gorgeous eyes. She disconnected her head from my and shyly nodded, I swear she blushed a little.
Lisa fricken Schwartz just kissed me and admitted that she likes me.

Can this day get any better?!

"So! You wanna be my boyfriend?" She asked, smiling from ear to ear. I nodded and she once again kissed me, this time not as long but it was still just as special as before.

"I think I'm Inlove with you Lisa. I've had a crush on you since forever, not to sound creepy or anything..." I admitted, she hugged me tightly in awe.

"That's so sweet. I never knew that." She replied, probably thinking her boyfriend is a total weirdo.

When the day eventually came to an end, I walked home as a very happy bunny with Lisa's phone number and a new girlfriend.

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