Chapter 14

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*Shane's POV*

My whole body froze as my eyes locked with a familiar person. Too familiar, you could say.
I could hear Lisa talking to me but her voice was a blur. I couldn't feel anything and my insides started to tingle. My vision became blurred too and my breathing heavy and fast as I started squirming around in my wheelchair. Although I was breathing heavily, it felt as though I wasn't breathing at all, like I was being suffocated with air.

"L Lisa! Lisa get me away from here!" I whisper shouted after looking at the beast of a man for at least 2 minutes. Throughout the whole time, he didn't move. He just stood there across the road with his fists clenched giving me a stare that could kill.
Lisa started to push my chair along the opposite way we were facing, back towards home.

"Shane are you okay?" Lisa asked when we were a fair distance from my "dad". I was still shaken up and I could hear the weariness in her voice. I couldn't bring myself to talk so I grimly nodded my head, lying.

"Let's get you home. I'll go to the grocery store and get some nice food to cook for you." Lisa offered, making me smile and forget about what just happened. She was so caring, and I knew she loved me.

"Thank you, I love you." I thanked her, she gave me a "I love you too" in return.

When Lisa dropped me off at my house, she told me she was going to buy some really good things for lunch.

*Lisa's POV*

I wandered around the supermarket with a basket hanging on my arm, wondering what I should cook shane for lunch. I decided on something healthy as Shane told me he was trying to loose weight, vegetable burgers and pasta with vegetables. For dessert I got him a strawberry cheesecake as a treat for being so brave the past few days. I also picked up his favourite film Titanic because he told me he couldn't afford to buy it.

After I payed for all the stuff I bought for Shane, I made my way back to his house.

"Shane I'm back!" I called through the corridor, walking into the lounge where Teresa was sat on the sofa.

"Hi honey, Shane is upstairs." She told me. I nodded and smiled at her before walking vastly up the horribly carpeted stairs and into Shane's bedroom.

He was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling and began to smile when I walked in.

"I bought titanic!" I squealed with excitement as a bigger grin formed in Shane's face.

"Yay! Oh my god I need to pay you back!" He said, trying to sit up but failed.

"No don't be silly. I bought it for you as a treat for being so brave." I admitted, kissing him softly on the lips.

He smiled again at me and pulled me on to the bed to lay with him. He turned to his side so he was facing me and rested his arm on my shoulder, lightly stroking my face.

"I love you." He announced in almost a whisper. His voice sounded so different, it was so raspy and deep. I had never hear him speak like this and it let me know he was serious. This wasn't just going to be another normal relationship, this was going the be the relationship...

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