Chapter 3

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*Shane's POV*

"L...Lisa?" I stuttered, my hands starting to sweat out of nervousness.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" She questioned, making my heart drop. I thought she would've at least known I was in the same school as her. Wow, I really am invisible.

"I'm Shane. Shane Yaw. We go to the same school, I'm sorry if I freaked you out a little a jus-"

"Hey Shane. Sorry I didn't know who you are, you must just be a quiet person. It's nice to meet you though!" She greeted, jumped up to shake my hand.

"Sorry, my hands are a little sweaty," I admitted, feeling rather embarrassed. She giggled a little.

"It's okay. You're nervous, I get it. You're scared my boyfriend is going to beat you up for me talking to another guy." She blurted out. I was shocked. Her boyfriend would beat me up? I knew he was a bad boy but isn't that a little bit extreme for just having a friendly conversation with her.

"So, should I leave, if that's the case?" I asked, unsure wether she wanted me to stay or not.

"It's fine, you can stay, if he finds us I'll just tell him you're my cousin." She smiled, sitting down and patting the area next to her, gesturing for me to join her.
By this time, you can imagine the sweaty mess I was.

"Want some food?" I awkwardly asked, not knowing what else to say while opening the grocery bag I still had in my hand and peering inside.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm allergic to literally everything. My stomach hates me." She said insecurely, pulling a face at the last sentence.

"Oh. That's a shame, I have LOTS of food. You could probably imagine." I replied, gesturing towards my fat stomach.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. I used to have an eating disorder and got bullied a lot. That was the time I turned to starvation, then guys started to actually like me," She told me. She was more open about her life than I expected to be.
I smiled at her and she smiled back. The butterflies in my stomach were going wild at this point.

Her phone rang, this was when my stomach did the biggest backflip, I knew exactly who it was going to be, and it wouldn't turn out good.

"Hey babe...oh im just hanging out somewhere...oh okay....bye see you soon." Her expression dropped as she hung up.

"Aiden..." She started to say. I nodded my head, biting the side of my mouth. I was hoping to get to know her a bit better without any interruptions.

"I've got to go." She politely excused herself, smiling sadly at me before standing up and rushing off up the pathway, quickly disappearing in the trees.
I sighed and got some food out of my brown paper bag and sat there, for hour, stuffing my face with food.
The entire time I just thought about Lisa. I hope that we could be really good friends one day.

After 3pm passed, I got the courage to stand up and begin to walk home, making sure to get home the same time as I usually do so my mom wouldn't get suspicious.

"Hello sweetie," my mom welcomed me as I walked in through the front door. I smiled at her when she was sat snug on the sofa with a blanket.

"Can I join you, or am I too fat?" I asked, laughing a little at myself. She pulled a concerned face.

"Aw, honey, you'll never be too fat to cuddle mommy." She said, holding her arms out, gesturing for me to hug her.

"Hey mom?" I started, sitting up a little straighter. She nodded.

"I like this girl...her name is Lisa and today she actually acknowledged me." I continued proudly with a big cheesy grin across my face.

"Aw that's nice. I wish both of you the best." My mom kindly wished, holding me tightly.
I thanked my mom and we sat there for hours talking and laughing about Lisa and my moms past happy relationships.

When I finally decided to go to bed, which was about 9pm, I sat at my desk and scribbled away in my notebook, another note to Lisa.

Dear Lisa
Today we met for the first time, and you were so amazing and sweet. I was a big sweaty mess but you didn't seem to care. We had about a 5 minute conversation, but it was enough to last me forever if we don't speak again, although I'd sure love to. You're so beautiful and I wish I could tell you that everyday, just to let you know how much you mean to me and just how special you are. Even if you don't think it and Aiden doesn't help you know, I'm here to do that for you.
I love you Lisa.

I didn't know what it was, but writing down my feelings like a personal note to her made me feel a hell of a lot better.

Once again, I headed straight to bed, hoping that I could repeat today when I wake up.
But of course, not everything always works out the way you hope it will.

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