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Dear diary,
It's Monday. It's only 6pm and i've already had my ass kicked twice today by my dad.
Aiden Whitely threw an apple at me during lunch whilst shouting 'eat some fruit for once'.
There's one thing I like about Aiden; he's got a hell of a hot girlfriend. Her name is Lisa. Lisa Schwartz, or something like that. Anyway, a girl as amazing as her deserves a lot better than that jerk Aiden.
Well, gotta go. Here comes the abusive father again to beat my fat ass.
I wonder if my life will ever get better...
Dear diary,
It's Tuesday and today at school I realised something. I want to be an entertainer. I actually made some of my class mates laugh, and it was the best feeling ever. It made me so happy to know that I inflicted laughter upon others. Wow.

Anyway, Aiden only called me a few names today, better than usual, I suppose.
He treats his beautiful girlfriend like shit. I don't know what she sees in him, or even why she's in a relationship with him. Maybe it's the fact that he's such a bad boy and apparently appealing to girls. I don't know, I'm not a girl. Or gay, for that matter. I know, you're surprised...not the first time I've been judged as being gay. It doesn't really bother me though, I'm not really homophobic or anything.
Anywayyyysss, enough of me blabbering on, time for me to go to bed. Goodnight diary x
What the heck shane that was really creepy...oh for goodness sake why am I talking to myself.

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