Chapter 17

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*Shane's POV*

It was day three after Lisa left and I still felt sick to the stomach. I had infact lost the best thing ever, and the pain was only just starting to kick in. The relationship, it was over before it even started. I hated myself for letting her slip away so easily.
I have to get her back. I thought to myself as I sat up from my bed. I grabbed my wheelchair and pulled it over to my bed, wrestling with it until I was seated comfortably. I grabbed the notepad and pen from my desk and placed it on my lap.

"Mom! Come help me!" I shouted from my room, she was sure to hear it because she was only in the bedroom next to me at the time.
I waited a few seconds and then heard her bedroom door open and she came out with a blank expression on her face.

"Can you help me downstairs?" I asked with a concerned look on my face.

"Of course honey." She said before grabbing the handles and wheeling me out of the room.

When I finally got down the stairs, with a lot of struggle, I managed to open the front door and take the elevator to the ground floor where I started to wheel myself down the street.

*Lisa's POV*

I hadn't dared to tell my parents about what happened with Aiden yesterday, when my mom asked about why we broke up so suddenly, I cringed at the sound of his name and told her it wasn't working out, because truthfully, it wasn't. I wasn't happy with him, I never was and I never will be no matter what he does.

I stared up at my bedroom ceiling, thinking of Shane. A tear slipped from my eye when I realised how heart broken both of us were at the time. I could tell I meant a lot to shane and I had no clue why I left him. Couldn't I just return to his house with an apology? No, that'd be silly.

"Time for school Lisa, you're going to miss the bus and if I have to take you one more time this month I swear to god I'm going to fuc-"

"Okay I'm coming!" I screamed down at my lecturing father. I grabbed my school bag and threw my hair into a ponytail whilst running frantically down the stairs and straight out the door.

"Bye!" I shouted before slamming the door shut behind me. I ran to the bus stop just as the bus passed me. I waved my arms frantically to make it stop, but it just kept on going.

Shit. I thought, cursing in my mind at the arrogant bus driver.
I knew that my parents would give me so much shit if I turned around and decided to go home, so I turned back around and carried on walking in the opposite direction to my school.
Then an idea popped into my head. I was just going to the place me and Shane met, and our first kiss of course.

When I took the fair distanced walk to the park, I found a tree which seemed to be the one we first kissed under. I sighed sadly and sad down, staring out into the open and rethought about my mistake, regret it more, Every. Single. Time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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