Chapter 7

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*Lisa's POV

I think I like him. I tried to convince myself that I didn't, when I walking walking home from school, but it was no use. I just felt something for him that I've never felt for anyone before. It was like every time he smiled or talked to me, my stomach had a swarm of butterflies. I never knew that someone like Shane would end up as my type.

"Lisa!" A familiar voice called from behind me. I turned around to see Aiden stood there with a bunch of flowers held in his hand.

"Take me back, I'm sorry. I love you." He pleaded, looking as if he was about to cry. Now I had the chance to hurt him like he hurt me in the relationship.

"Um, how about no. I like someone else now anyway, cheerio." I blurted out quite joyfully before I carried on waddling down the road. I could actually hear his heart break behind me, but I couldn't give a fuck.
I swivelled around and stuck two middle fingers up to him, causing him to throw the flowers down to the floor and storm off into the other direction.

It felt good to finally get my own back on Aiden, from the times I actually thought I was in love with him. I can remember thinking to myself, if this is love then it's total shit. But that didn't stop me. He started to become too needy, if you know what I mean. This is when he became too forceful and I knew I had to end it with him, before he thought he has his way with me all the time.

When I finally walked up to my door step, I took the key out of my pocket and let myself in.

"Slut is home." I heard my dad say horribly to himself, making sure it was loud enough so I could hear.

"Thanks dad." I said sarcastically, walking straight up the stairs and into my room.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mom called from the bottom of the stairs, glaring up to my bedroom door.

"To my room." I replied, already sat on my bed. I knew that she was stood there and wasn't going to move until I went downstairs.

"Your school phoned." My mom eventually said as I took a seat on the arm of the sofa.

"Yeah?" I asked, confused.

"Your grades are dropping. Almost all of your subjects dropped at least 3 grades in the past two weeks. How Lisa? How is that even possible?" My father spat intimidatingly at me, his face in disgust as he slouched back down into his arm chair. I shrugged wondering how and when this happened.
Before I went any deeper in thought, my mom started to speak.

"If your grades don't improve within the next 2 weeks, you're being homeschooled. I don't believe that school is giving you the right education." She half shouted. I sat there in disbelief. There's no way I would stay at home all day everyday. Nope.
And with that, I was sent back to my room.

Laying head first in my pillow, I started to weep. I didn't want my life to be any worse than it is right now, which is seeing my parents when I get home from school, never mind being taught with them. Harsh, I know but they were so horrible to me.

Then something else crossed my mind, causing me to cry even more hysterically. Shane.

What it was about that guy that made me like him so much was a mystery.
Maybe it's the way he smiled at me, it made me feel comforted. Or it could be how he was so caring and took interest in everything I say, when any other people wouldn't care or listen. Even how cute his little nose made his face look all the time. The squeakiness in his voice that kinda made him sound like a girl. All these things just sounded perfect when I imagined him stood there, opposite me, smiling and looking into my eyes.

Sorry there's no shisa in this chapter. You just get a little more detail about what Lisa's life is like behind closed doors.

Annddd I do usually upload every day but I've been super ill and not been able to write a full chapter.

Anyway, thank you all for reading so far (:

Dear Lisa...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें