Chapter 9

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*Shane's POV*

I sat at my desk smiling and chewing on my pencil, everytime I thought of Lisa my heart skipped a beat. I was about to write another note to Lisa when I heard footsteps walking up the stairs.

"What are you doing!" My drunken dad slurred his words outside my door. I slammed my notebook shut and tried to hide it but he knocked the door down with his forceful frame before I could find a spot for it.

"Why the fuck are you reading?" He shouted at me from across the room. I could hear my moms soft whimpering from downstairs. I panicked and started to cry and shake.

"I was...writing, not reading" I managed to stutter out. He clenched his fists in rage and punched a wall, make a photo fall down and smash. Me and gran.

"Come here, you fucking nerd!" He screamed at me. I swallowed and stood up from my chair, slowly walking over to where my dad was pointing, right Infront of him.
I stood there as he looked down, intimidating me. I was shaking and my breathing was heavy. His expression suddenly changed from anger to concern.

"You think everyone loves you. Well let me tell you something now, everyone hates you and your pathetic hair," He spat in my face, twirling my hair around his finger. His breath stank of beer and cigarettes.

"All you do all day everyday is sit up here and feel sorry for yourself, stuffing your fat ugly face!" He screamed once again, his rage building up so much he eventually let his hand slide sharply across my cheek. I fell in a heap to the floor and began to sob.

"I'm not done with you!" He bent down and whispered in my ear before kicking me right in the ribs. I yelped and rolled over, my back facing him. Another kick to the ribs. I felt something crack inside of me, probably my ribs. I could barely tell what was going on anymore and the pain was too much.

Tears were flooding down my face and he stood over me and started to punch the side of my face over and over.
Blood began to gush out of my nose and my lip had split just as my vision started to blur when he was still hitting me with his huge fists.

I woke up sometime later on my bed with my mom sat on the edge. She had dried blood on her nostril and lip, similar to where he had hit me.

"Shane, honey I'm so sorry." She cried into her hands, looking at the mess he had left me. Only when I tried to move I realised how much pain I was in. I couldn't move my torso and my ribs were in so much pain. My lip felt thick and my nose was still bleeding.

"I think you've broken your nose and some ribs." She whispered wearily, her eyes filling with tears again.

I moaned in pain and then remembered I was supposed to text Lisa about 3 hours ago.

"Where Is he now?" I asked, looking around the room with one eye open, my other too swollen and painful to open.

"I don't know." She answered, her voice cracking inbetween words. I sighed and began to cry as my mom started to sob once again into her hands.
We had to get out of here.

*Lisa's POV*

Shane said he would phone me, I wondered what was keeping him from phoning or texting me. He said he would at 5pm, it has just turned 8pm. He's probably busy, even though he told me he never has anything else to do because his life is too boring. I thought, staring up to my ceiling as I laid on my bed.

I picked my phone up from the bed side table and texted Shane;
Hey, what r u up 2? Waiting 4 u 2 call :) x

That was the best I could come up with, when I sent it I started to regret sending the smiley, maybe it was too cheesy. Was just the one '️x' too little? How about the text language? Ugh.

I waited and waited, but no reply. Maybe something's happened? I started to worry about all the possibilities that could be wrong with him. I don't think his dad was the best, maybe he'd hit him? Nah, that's stupid. He's probably just sleeping. He likes to sleep a lot, and eat.

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