Chapter 4

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*Lisa's POV*

"Aiden! Get off me!" I screamed at the tall framed-idiot who was hovering above me intimidatingly. He grabbed my arm and refused to let go until I told him who I was out with.

"It was just a guy called Shane! Get a grip!" I bellowed, finally loosing my cool with him.

"Oh so it was a guy? I knew it. You're cheating on me. Who is this Shane?" He replied, throwing me back with a powerful shove.

"I'm not cheating on you, and actually he was a much nicer guy than you will ever be!" I angrily shouted at him, although I was afraid if he'd abuse me in any way. My words quickly slipped out without me realising the words I was saying could be harsh and hurt him.

"Fuck you!" He spat in my face as he clenched his fists and walked out of my bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door.

I slumped on my bed with my head in my pillows and started to cry. I just wanted to feel loved for once in my life. My parents don't give a shit about me and neither does Aiden.
He's only with me because he said he'd punch me if I didn't date him. I thought I began to like him, but now I'm sure of what an asshole he truly is. The thing is, no one knows. They all thinks he's oh-so-lovely.

I lifted my head up and reached for my shitty Nokia. I had no texts from anyone, so I decided to text Aiden.

Stay away from me. If you ever speak to me again it'll be too soon

It felt good to finally get my own back with him. I sat for minutes waiting before a reply finally came through. The reply drove me nuts.


I could've typed that out for him. I knew that he would change his mind soon and want to get back with me. That time it wasn't happening, even I knew I deserved better than scum like him. He doesn't even know how to compliment a girl, what type of man is that?

"What've you said to Aiden now?!" My dad screamed up the stairs, I sighed and wiped my tears away after clearing my throat to speak.

"He, um, had to leave. His parents called him home."

-The next day-

I decided once again to bunk off school to the same place as yesterday, kind of hoping I'd see shane there again. I was an emotional mess from the day before and I wanted to talk to someone about my problems. I feel comfortable with Shane and I feel like I can trust him with anything, even though I had a minute conversation with him, I think we could build a potential friendship.

Sat underneath the same tree as yesterday, I pulled out a book my grandmother bought for me on my birthday last year. I hadn't got round to reading it yet but got half way through yesterday.

I looked around every 5 minutes to look for a ginger mop of curly hair. I couldn't find him. Minutes and even hours went by without him showing up.

What was I thinking? Of course he wasn't going to show up. He came here once and met me, that doesn't mean he wants to come here everyday just to talk to me about my damn problems. He probably has enough stuff going on himself, without having some stranger telling him her feelings and whatever.
I sighed and closed my book, not really paying much attention to it in the first place.
I stood up and started to walk back on the path, looking at my shoes.

"Lisa?" I heard a voice call near to me.
I lifted my head up, yes it was him, Shane. My heart fluttered a little, which was quite strange...

"Hey Shane! I've been waiting for you." I blurted out too confidently. He looked shocked, almost devastated.

"I'm sorry, that was really weird, i was just on my way home." I continued, walking past him and carrying on up the path.

"Lisa, wait!" He called at me, I could hear him walking behind me but I picked up the pace so he would take the hint.
I felt so bad for leaving him afterwards, but I thought I had no choice to leave him.

All I could think about on the journey home was his face. How sad he looked, I must've freaked him out. I knew I'd blow it, I couldn't have a friendship with someone if I tried. Yeah, I was popular, but all my 'friends' were just fake and used me to try and look cool, or something along those lines.

I really needed better things to do, I couldn't stop thinking about some random dude who I met just yesterday and didn't even know.
Taking that into account, I decided to go to my local gym and work out for a solid one hour and a half, until I could physically do no more.

It at least helped me to take my mind of school, boys and family troubles for a while.

Dear Lisa...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang