Chapter 16

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*Shane's POV*

I hadn't moved from the spot Lisa had left me in the day before. I was still frozen from devastation and shock, I thought she loved me at least a little bit. Then again, I think to myself that it's almost impossible to love someone as disgusting as me. The more I thought about it the more I brought myself down. I need to get out the house but i couldn't even lift an arm without my mom helping, all thanks to my so-called dad.

I finally sat up in my bed, reached over to my bedside table and open the drawer, taking out my pen and notepad. I roughly scribbled down a few words, not really knowing if it was making sense. It started like it always does,

Dear Lisa,
You left me. I get it, I totally get it. I'm fat, ugly, I can't do anything right, I'm a total fuck up. But there's one thing I didn't expect, and that was for you to break my heart in the most careless way ever. I kind of guess I deserved it though, right? My dads right. He's always reminded me that I'm a failure and I'll get no where in life.
Why am I even here?

*Lisa's POV*
I love him, I really do. But something's telling me it's all wrong...that I should reunite with Aiden. I can't stay away from him. I don't know what it is about him, he's such a jerk and Shane's my soulmate, why should I get back with Aiden?

"You ready babe?" Aiden asked, putting his arm around me and walking me out of my house and to his car. I nodded grimly but tried to disguise it with a smile.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, trying to sound confident and like myself as we sat side by side, him in the drivers seat, and buckled up our belts.

"It's a secret babe." He replied, winking at me and obnoxiously chewing his gum.

I admit it, Aiden was really hot, but he just didn't have that thing, you know? It felt like a piece was missing from my whole life and I guess when I was with Shane, it felt like that piece was filled.

Aiden placed his hand on my upper thigh, making me tense up. He stroked my leg with his hand and used to other to control the car.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked as he noticed I was tense. I shrugged and replied with a "nothing'' and smiled. He smiled back at me with his teeth and carried on stroking my leg.

He pulled into a car park which was surrounded by trees. There was just one car parked up, which gave me an indication that we must've been in some kind of forest-like area.

"We're here." Aiden announced, looking over to me as if he was proud of something. I nodded and smiled as i unbuckled my belt and opened the car door, exiting and breathing in the fresh warm air.

Aiden walked around the back of the car to meet me at my side and he grabbed my hand, pulling me along some empty path.

"This is such a sweet spot." He exclaimed, sounding like an excited 10 year old boy. I sighed deeply as I jogged to keep up with his face pace steps.

"This is it." He announced, standing tall with his hands on his hips and looking out to the small pond beneath his feet in awe. I stood behind his with my arms crossed, not particularly impressed with his attempt to get me back.

"Come here." He demanded, holding a hand out. I walked towards him and he put his arms around me, squeezing my ass with one of his hands.

"Stop it..." I nervously giggled, trying to pull out of his grip. My smile faded when he locked his eyes onto mine. A sudden expression of hatred and anger made its way onto his face as I struggled a little more.

"I did you the favour of taking you down here so we could have a nice romantic time together. Now you have to repay me for what I've done." He ordered, gripping my arm tighter.

"Aiden, you're hurting me..." I told him, once again trying to free myself from his grip.

"I said. you're going to repay me. Don't make me repeat myself AGAIN." He yelled close to my face as he pulled my head towards his and started viciously kissing my neck.

"Get off me!" I screamed at him as he tried to undo my bra. I finally got loose from his grip and ran, ran as fast as I could.

I couldn't retrace the exact steps we took to get there, so typically I ended up getting lost. I didn't care, I only cared about the fact I was free from him, I didn't know what he was going to do if I didn't get away.

I collapsed to the floor in a heap and cried my heart out. I sobbed and wept into my hands and was in a ball on the muddy floor, getting the whole of the left side of my black trousers dirty.
Just as I thought I was safe from Aiden, I heard him calling my name in the distance.

"Lisa? Lisa! Baby I'm sorry!" He called, wandering around. I silently crawled behind a tree so I was hidden out of his sight. He searched and called me for a few minutes before giving up and going back to his car, pulling off vastly and speeding into the distance.
I sobbed to myself as I got up from the ground and began to slowly trail back to the car park.

I wasn't sure how I was going to get back home and I didn't know where I was.

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