2- New Friend

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I sat down on the chair and stared at the book. What was that encounter? Why does he look so familiar? Why am I flustered by it? I shook my head and opened the book. As soon as I started to read the prologue, I saw white Af1's out of the corner of my eye. Mrs. White doesn't wear nike's? What is going on? I ignore it, hoping they are just walking past. I hear shuffling and soon enough a loud sigh. It's almost like they want attention.

My nervousness gets the best of me and I pretend to not notice it. Maybe then they will walk away. The person lets out another, and even louder groan like noise. Eventually I look up to see the same boy from before. "Hello?" I say, genuinely confused.

"Hi. My name is Clay. I saw what happened this morning with my friend Nick and wanted to apologize. You're not short. Just ignore him." He leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. The neck of his shirt fell forward and I saw a silver necklace glisten in the light.

"Hi my name is George." I say, almost whispering. "What- what are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to say hi and say you seem pretty cool." He slightly smiled, showing some of his pearly white teeth. Just as I was about to say something, I heard yelling come from the main entrance of the library. I turn my attention to the 2 people walking towards us. 

I immediately recognize Nick, but I don't seem to know who the girl is. I look over at Clay. His face, ghost white, his mouth, wide open. He looks back at me. "I-I gotta go." He quickly grabs his things and stands up. By this time Nick and the girl arrive in the corner.

"George, what the hell is going on here? Why are you with Clay?" He turns to look at Clay. Whatever the boys are saying goes right over my head. My attention is brought to the girl standing right beside Nick. His hand is gripped tightly around her wrist. She has a tired, and scared appearance on her face. She looks at me and we make eye contact. Her eyes are hazel, more on the brown side. Her lashes are thick with mascara and her hair is in a messy bun.

 She flashes a look at me as if she's begging for help. I can see tears form in her eyes, until we break eye contact to see Clay being pulled away from the chair, stumbling to walk right. As Nick drags the girl and Clay away from me, I see her look back and a tear falls from her eye, leaving a line of salty water on her cheek. I sit in silence for a few minutes, completely zoned out until I hear my name being repeated. "George...George! What is going on?" I shake my head and look up to see the librarian squatted down in front of me.

"O-oh sorry. I was zoned out." I say, faking a smile. She puts her hand on my knee. "Honey, the bell is about to ring. Do you need a minute to cool off? You look shocked." Her gaze into my eyes feels like burning holes. "I can give you a pass and say you spent some time cleaning up with me. You can be excused." 

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I just nod my head and whisper a "please." She stands up, bringing me to the front circulation desk. She pulls out a pink sticky note and scribbles some words on. 

"Here you are. Go to the restroom and splash some water on your face." She bends down to pick up a water bottle from under the desk. She slides it to me, along with my note. "Take care sweetheart!" I smile and wave goodbye as I walk out. I hear the bell ring and continue my walk to the bathroom in the locker bay.

Before I enter, I hear faint whisper-yells coming from inside. I hesitate to walk in because the voices sound uncomfortably familiar. The voices stop and I run behind a line of lockers. I turn the corner to see the same girl from before, sitting on the ground, crying. I slowly walked closer. "H-hello? What's wrong?" she looks up and quickly wipes the tears from her eyes, smudging her makeup. "Oh haha hello. What's up?" She says with a smile on her face. If I didn't know she was crying a second ago, I would've thought she's alright. 

"I'm George, the kid from the library. '' I say, sitting down next to her. 

"Oh hey. I'm Rose. Nice to finally meet you." I smile. "Likewise." There were a few moments of silence until she spoke up. "Hey, even though I'm dating Nick, can I get your number? You seem super chill and I'd like to become friends." She unlocked her phone and slid it over to me. I take notice of her background. It's of her and her boyfriend on a polaroid photo. They seemed to be drunk at a party, each with a red solo cup in hand. "Sure" I say and put in my number.

George Keytas                                                                                                                                                             12:54: hey :]

Rose Lillad                                                                                                                                                                    12:54: hii :)

I hand her phone back to her. "Oh and by the way, Im gay. So don't worry about your boyfriend." I slip in the conversation. "But please don't say anything. I haven't told a single person." She looks up at me with a big grin. 

"I'm so happy to be the person you trust enough to tell me that! And of course your secret is safe with me. I would support you regardless." She pulled me into a loose hug. Next thing I know Nick comes from around the lockers. His face was emotionless. Good thing I pulled away before he came because who knows what he'd think. After he saw me, he rolled his eyes and let out a simple, yet soft command. "Rose lets go." And with that she stood up and left, leaving me alone. I still wanted to use the bathroom so I too stood up. 

hehe another chapter for tonight

if you have read this far I wanna say ily and tysm for waking up today!! im so proud of you :))

Storm // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now