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-Clay's POV- (imagine it's friday night around 11:30 pm)


I woke up from an afternoon nap to find a missed call from Nick. It was three hours old. The notification that came right after it was a voicemail from a few minutes ago. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I picked up my phone, the screen practically blinding me for a second. I turned the brightness down to just under halfway, and clicked the notification to open the voicemail. I held the speaker up to my ear and listened. Immediately the voice sounded shaky, and scared. I heard the voice get quieter, then louder again, but only to quiet down once more. It only seemed to get freaker. I stood up and put my shoes on, heading out the door. Nick's voice finally stopped. His next words caused me to sprint to the car, and speed down the street to wherever my mind told me to go.

"I love you bro... I need you to stay strong, let George know I'm sorry..." he paused. I floored it. I pressed my food down hard on the acceleration pedal, not caring if I got caught. "I'm not sure when you will hear this. I'm so sorry." then the voice got quiet again, too quiet for me to pick out what he was saying. I heard a sound getting louder, and louder. It sounded almost like a... "TRAIN!" I yelled. I took a u-turn at the next opportunity and sped down the street. By this time, the voicemail ended. I was originally heading towards the country side of town. I know how much Nick loves the lake and to see the animals. But I quickly remembered there are no tracks in the countryside.


I heard the train coming but I couldn't see it. I slammed my foot on the brakes, forcing the car into park. I sprinted over to where a group of people were. There were no familiar faces but they were all yelling at someone to get off the tracks. One even tried to climb over the tall silver barbs. I knew who they were yelling for. I looked through the wires to see a tall dark haired male shaking on the rails. The train only got closer. "NICK! NICK PLEASE! THIS ISN'T HOW IT HAS TO END!" I shouted. My throat hurt and my voice was nearly gone. I whipped out my phone and dialed 9-1-1. I glanced up when I heard the blaring horn of the train coming near. The boy had his back to the train, clearly on purpose. He turned his head and looked up at me. We made eye contact, and a split second later-

"NO!" I jolted awake, my body shaking profusely. I was drenched in sweat, tears falling fast down my rosy red cheeks. I looked around my room to see my bed sheets dampened, and all messed up. I looked at my alarm clock. It was just about midnight. My body was so cold, but so hot at the same time.

I panicked to pick up my phone, checking his location on snapchat. Seen just now. Perfect. He was on his phone at his house.

A wave of embarrassment rushed over me. I really just dreamt of my best friend dying. I can't imagine he's actually doing that,and it's best not to. I heard fast footsteps coming down the hall. I quickly wiped the water off my face when my door slammed open.

"Clay?! What the hell is going on?" He yelled, speeding over to my bed, sitting down next to me. I couldn't tell him what actually happened. That's so childish. "I heard lots of shuffling and I heard you talking. Then you screamed 'no'. You scared me to death. Did you have a nightmare or something?" The tears came back. I had to give in. I nodded.

'N-Nick... He got hit b-by a train." I stuttered out. George shook his head no.

"We were just on the phone. He's fine. He wanted to ask how to write detailed stories." He said. Detailed stories? Nick never writes anything. English was his least favorite subject.

"George.. He's not writing a letter, you idiot."

"What do you mean? He asked how to make it personal and outstanding and all."

I gripped his arm firmly. "Hes- you just... You just told him how to write a suicide letter. You- fucking idiot. Don't you get it? I-I just had a dream about him. He called me but I missed it. He-he stood in front of a moving train." He pulled me into a hug. I told him everything. Everything I just felt, thought and saw.


"Well let's get you into a nice shower, and we can go from there. It's only-" he looked at my alarm clock. "-Shit it's 2 am. I'll change your sheets and you go take a nice relaxing shower." He offered. I would love to sleep in clean sheets but I wanted him more. I didn't know how to ask so instead I just agreed. I picked out a pair of sweatpants and a basic light pink shirt, but I must've dropped it because when I stepped out of the shower in my towel, it was nowhere to be seen. I dressed myself in the clothes that I did have with me and walked out of the bathroom not paying much attention to what I was wearing.

I entered my bedroom to find George sitting up on my bed, scrolling through some app on his phone. He replaced all my sheets and cleaned up the floor and my desk a bit. It felt oddly safe in the room and It made me feel loved in a different way than before. His attention turned from his phone to my face... to my abs. I forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt when I felt his eyes pierce holes through my body. I walked closer to him, a small smile rising to my lips. His eyes slowly met mine and I brought a hand to his face. He stood up, forcing our faces to be inches apart, and our bodies pressed together. My skin was a little wet still and his shirt subtly stuck to my chest. When I stepped back he sat back down, cleared his throat and began talking again.

"I changed your sheets." he paused, scratching the back of his neck. "I also put the other ones in the wash already." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thanks." I gave him a thankful look and threw my dirty clothes against the wall on the ground. I received an annoyed scoff from him and watched as he laid on his back, extending his arms. I walked back over to the bed and laid perpendicular to him, next to the pillows. Neither of us said anything until he spoke up. "I'm gonna go back to my room now I guess." Sadness overtook his sentence. It was almost like he didn't want to leave. I certainly didn't want him to leave. I didn't want to risk having another nightmare, especially like the one I just had. He sat up and began to rise to his feet.

"Wait-" I blurted out. My mind told me to let him go but my heart needed him. "Please... please stay. I don't want to have another repeat of tonight." He froze.

-George's POV-

I was exhausted. I got woken up about an hour and a half ago by Clay screaming. He had a nightmare. He's never been a gay to be soft and vulnerable. But around me, he was different. It's almost like he's leaning on me for support as I am with him. If one of us crumbled, the other one would go down with him.

I was so ready to fall back asleep early Saturday morning, but he asked me to stay. As much as I would love to, I'm scared my feelings would get the best of me. "What do you mean stay?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and looked away.

"It's fine actually you can go." he responded. I saw him turn his body to be laying the right way round on the bed. He was still sitting on the covers. His muscular build was breathtaking. His tanned skin was gorgeous. His hair was still a little wet. The color had darkened quite a bit to a brown, almost like mine. "I-I'm sorry George, you don't have to stay." He began talking again. Now I wanted to. I walked back to the bed and lifted the covers on one side of the bed, causing him to get off the blankets. I pulled them over his legs and I scooted close to him. I layed in between his side and his arm with my face pressed in the nook of his neck. His bare chest was soft and warm. I snuggled deeper into him and I felt a hand on my back. It slowly rubbed up and down, sending shivers down my spine. I felt it travel down my back and under my shirt.. His hand touched my bare back, causing me to smile against his chest. I know he noticed my giddy gestures because he continued to lightly stroke my skin. My body soon began heating up and I sat up slightly. I lifted my own shirt over my head and threw it on the floor. I layed back down against his body, this time tangling our legs together. I could feel the warmth radiating off of his body, onto mine. It was a different kind of warmth from before I took my shirt off.

My sleepiness got the better of me and I fell asleep in his arms. Oh how I never wanted this to end. It would be a real shame if something were to happen...


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