10- Saving You

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-No specific POV-

"George? Please put the pills down! Or I-Im coming in!" The boy on the outside of the door started banging on the door mercilessly. The boy on the other side of the door had a fistful of pills already poured into his hand, and he was still pouring more. He still wasn't sure that he wanted to do this, but because Clay showed up, he had no choice but to do it. He was shaking beyond control. Oh how badly he wanted to open the door and see Clay, but he knows that if he did, Clay would see him weak, and he didn't want that.

As more seconds passed where George was unresponsive, Clay knew there was no time he had to waste. He tried one last time. "George, if you don't open this door or at least let me know you're okay, I'm going to bust through it right now." The blond earned nothing but silence. With that, he stepped back and ran into the door, only pushing it and getting a loud bang in return. George didn't give a reaction, and instead finished pouring the whole bottle into his hands. Some pills fell to the floor. The noise they made was a soft scattering sound, to Clay it sounded like about 15. He quieted down and brought his face to the door, closing his eyes and listened.

"George please... I need you. I have so much to say. Please just open the door." He rested his forehead against it and put a hand on the handle. He opened his eyes to see his lanyard string hanging out of his pocket. On the end of it were his keys. "Yes!" he whispered to himself. He fumbled with the string and pulled it out, taking the smallest key he had and inserting it into the lock hole. It didn't do much, but with enough tampering, he heard some metal 'clink' inside. After a little more messing with it, the door still didn't open. He ran back into George's room and grabbed a chair. It was a black standard chair, with a yellow and black plaid patterned cushion tied to it. He picked it up and walked back to the door, this time running into the door with the legs, hoping that they would break through the door. Finally, with a single smack, the door broke open.

He threw the chair on the ground and ran back to the door, pushing it open to see George on the ground sitting against the wall slowly lifting his hands to his mouth. Before he could put any pills in his mouth Clay smacked his hand away. "What are you doing?!" the blond yelled. "Are you out of your mind?" He kneeled down next to the brunette and cupped his cheeks, turning the smallest face to look him in his eyes. George's eyes were filled with tears. The sight completely broke Clay. George spoke for the first time out loud today. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." He whispered, barely enough for the other to hear.

"Please don't apologize. I came here to check on you and apologize to you.'' Clay replied. He then pulled the smaller boy into a hug. He felt the other melt into his touch and his feeling of loss from earlier was gone. Clay knew this is where he wanted to be; with George in his arms. After a few minutes, the smaller boy's breathing regulated again and he stopped shaking. Clay looked down to see George asleep, leaned against his chest. He took this time to observe. He looked at the pills scattered along the bathroom floor. They were a white pill with red lettering. Clay took notice of the bottle by his feet. So he tried to overdose on painkillers. The taller boy let out a satisfied sigh. He felt like a hero.


Eventually Clay had to wake up the brunette. His phone had been buzzing non stop but he ignored it to comfort the smaller boy. "Hey, George." He hated to do this, but he needed to check his phone. "Please wake up." He began whispering again. George stirred awake on top of him.

"What why?" he responded. George slowly sat up, acknowledging the position they were in.

"Let's go get you laid down in a proper bed, I'll get you something to eat, and we can talk," the blond spoke. He stood up and offered a hand to the other. For the first time in a very long time, George took it. They walked towards the brunette's bedroom, hand in hand, and sat down on the foot of the bed. "When do you think we can have a proper chat?" Clay said breaking the silence. George just shrugged his shoulders. The other took that as an answer and left it as that. George layed back down, pulled a throw blanket over him and drifted off to sleep.

-Clay's POV-

Once I heard George's soft snores I got back up and got the chair back from the hallway. I also examined the damage I did to the door. Whoops. It's for a good cause. I'd rather have to pay for a new door than lose someone over it. I brought the chair back into his room and put it by the desk. I sat in it and pulled out my phone. What I saw wasn't good, in fact it's what I wanted least at the moment. Nick had blown up my phone since he saw me leave the school in a hurry. I opened my iMessage app first to see him send many threads of questions, asking why I left, what was wrong, etc. I then opened Snapchat. I noticed he had sent me tons of messages. I hesitated, but in the end decided to open them.

After reading through them, I knew he was on his way to my location. He used my location on Snapchat to find a way to get to me. If he knew I was at George's house, I'd be dead. I weighed my options. I could tell him my maps are messed up, I could take George somewhere else, or I could wait for him to turn up, and put him in his place. I used his bitmoji to determine how far away he was. He'd get here in about 5 minutes, and that was not enough time for me to safely get the boy up, and out of the house. So I waited. The time went by fast but sure enough, he got here. I heard his car door slam shut and not long after, there was knocking on the door. I heard shuffling downstairs and remembered that George's grandparents were home. I quickly got up and shook the boy awake. As much as it sucked, we had to go.

I dragged him by the arm downstairs and just before his grandfather opened the door I yelled. "WAIT! DON'T OPEN THAT!" He whipped his head around, mouth wide open. He didn't expect to see me, let alone George. I ran to the door, still with George in hand. Before I opened it I shot the old man a look saying I'll explain later. He did what I usually do and stood very still, watching as a scene unfolded in front of him. I could hear George mumbling something, but I couldn't quite understand what it was.

Once we made it fully to the door, I whipped it open, letting go of the others hand. I used both of my hands to push Nick back. I could tell from his messages that he was slightly annoyed, but boy was I angry. He had no idea that the person he's been picking on tried to take their own life. And the note he wrote declared that it was mostly his fault. I pushed him back again, not enough to knock him over, but enough to push him back a good bit. He definitely did not take this well and moved out of the way before I could push him again. "Dude! What's your problem?" he yelled.

"My problem? Oh I'll tell you what my problem is. It's you." I pointed to him. "You're an idiot, you're a bully, and you're disgusting. You have no clue, the impact you've had on that poor little boy..." I turned to look back at George to see him sitting on the floor, shivering. He looked so miserable and tired. "Can't you see? He is struggling. If you wanna know, I came home because he hasn't been at school all week. And luckily I came here when I did because he was in the bathroom trying to kill himself." I started crying, slowly walking forward at him. His face was pale as can be and his jaw was on the floor. "Wanna know what I found on his bed when I climbed through his window?" I pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of my pocket. I turned it around and pointed to the section devoted to him. "Look! Read it!" His eyes darted left to right, his mouth quickly moving to the shape of the words he was reading. After he finished it, he looked straight up at me. His head moving side to side now.

"I'm sorry. I-if I had known I would have stopped." He stuttered out. I was furious.

"YEA THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS FEEL BAD! HIS BODY IS IN IMMENSE PAIN, AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO HIS MENTAL HEALTH. DO YOU WANT ME TO GO THERE? HUH?" I was screaming at this point. "IF I'M NOT HIM, AND HE HASN'T TOLD ME ANYTHING AND I KNOW HOW BAD IT IS, IMAGINE HOW MUCH WORSE IT IS THAN JUST THAT!" I slapped him across the face. It felt so good to see him fly a hand to his cheek. He let out a yelp of pain.

I felt like he was genuinely sorry basing off of the look on his face. I was my proudest then. After some more talking, I sent him home and walked back up to George. I wanted to properly apologize. I motioned for him to walk to the mouth of the driveway and he slowly stood up. He moped over to where I was standing. Once he stood in front of me, he lifted his head to make eye contact with me. I took a big breath and started letting almost everything I had in me out.


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