18- Super senses

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-Skip to sunday morning-

-Clay's POV-

I woke up from a long night's rest. It felt great not being rudely awakened by your recurring nightmares. George and I planned on going to a boardwalk tonight when the pretty colored lights were blazing. For now I got some clothes out of my neat closet thanks to him. I picked out a simple pair of gray sweatpants and a black shirt. I walked down the hall and into the bathroom.


I heard slow footsteps coming from the direction of George's room. I put my phone down on my lap and turned to look in his direction. There he was, walking towards me slowly. He clearly recently woke up but something else felt wrong. He walked over and sat down on the couch next to me. "I was thinking..." he bagan. His voice was low and hoarse. Probably from waking up recently but also because something was on his mind.

"About...?" I replied sitting up straight.

"The dream you had the night before last night. I had a similar one. But this time I saw Rose's reaction." He stopped to clear his throat. "I have a feeling something might actually happen." he rubbed the back of his neck. His statements got the cogs in my head turning. I turned my whole body to completely face him. "You really think?" I asked quietly. He simply nodded his head. I remembered the conversation I had with his last night before I went to bed.

"Dude Rose and I are back together. I'm so happy right now I cant believe she actually agreed. We had a little date on the lake and everything dude. She's basically my soulmate. I'm going to love her until the day I die."

"Hey man thats amazing im so happy for you. You guys are really soulmates. You guys found eachother again, that's amazing. I actually have something to ask you but I don't think now is a good time..."

"Hey man you can ask me anything. I have to go actually. I'll call you back later. Thanks for chatting dude." And he ended the call. "No, I don't think so actually. I spoke to him last night and he's with Rose again. He seems to be in a really good place." My words seemed to scratch his brain right and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Well it's good to hear that he's doing better. I still want to talk to him about it sometime soon with him." He replied. His voice was a little smoother now. He gave a soft smile and went back to his room.


It was around 3:00. George and I were leaving for the boardwalk in about 3 hours so we would get there when the sun sets. I wanted to ask for some advice from Nick on how to ask George out. But seeing as Nick just got into a relationship, he wouldn't want another person asking about the same topic. I felt like I had no other person to ask for advice from. Or at least no one that would understand me. I would just have to wing it. Tonight would be a big night if I could pull it off and he had no idea. Love is clearly in the air and I feel like for only being friends, we're pushing it quite a bit.


"Ready?" I asked opening the front door for him to walk through. He hummed a response and walked through.

As we drove to the waterside, he let out soft hums to the music playing through the radio. His voice was so soft and mesmerizing. His hinted accent made it all sound even better. I felt my cheeks get warmer and warmer. My body also grew warmer and a smile slowly rose to my face. Every now and then I would catch George stealing a few glances at me. Sometimes he would look at my face, and sometimes it would be elsewhere.

The drive was a solid 25 minutes. We didn't live that far away from the water. As we got closer, we saw a giant ferris wheel with bright flashing lights. About 5 minutes down the road we saw the beach. I saw his face at the moment he saw the sand and water.

"Are we at the beach?!" he squealed in excitement.

"Yes Georgie, this is on the coast. You act like you haven't ever been to a beach before." I said while letting out wheezes.

"Because I havent you idiot." He gave me a friendly slap on my arm. "My parents never had the time and I moved here only a year and a half ago. We never really have beaches in the UK where we live." He replied. Oh that's right, he's not from here. He looked at me with eagerness in his eyes. "Well... what are we waiting for?" He asked impatiently. We both got out of the car and he grabbed my hand giggling. "C'mon big guy I want to see the sand!" He grunted, trying to pull me. Eventually he dragged me to the sand. He let go of my wrist to take off his socks and shoes, rolling up jeans in the process. He looked like a child who found their parents' secret stash of sweets. I took off my socks and shoes as well and followed suit down a sandy hill to the water line where he was. I stopped next to him and watched his eyes scan the horizon. "This... is breathtaking Clay..." He brought his hands to his cheeks. I watched his reactions unfold, transitioning from disbelief, to awe, to sadness. His smile fell off his face and he sat down. "What's wrong? Don't you like it? You were so happy a second ago." I asked, squatting down beside him.

"Yea I like it. Maybe a little too much." He replied. Too much? What's that supposed to mean? I shook the question from my head and sat on the sand next to him. He stayed quiet for a while and I eventually looked over at him to see a tear slowly roll down his face.

"Hey it's alright. I'm sure your parents are looking down on you thinking 'oh my goodness, this boy is doing so well. We love him so much'. I promise you." I wiped the tear off of his face. His skin was cold and he began to shake a little. I didn't know what to do. Should I pull him in for a hug, should I leave him or what? I decided on putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Clay..." he whispered. "What are they really thinking? Do you think they're proud of me? Proud for getting this far in life? It's only been a couple weeks but it feels like forever." He began again. "I won't be able to see them anytime soon. I miss them so so much." His quiet crys turned to full on sobs. "Why was it them? The only people I loved were gone. I had nothing going for me." only people he loved? Loved is past tense but maybe he's grown to love me? A sharp pain shot right through my heart. It was mended back together when he rested his head on my shoulder. I used my arm that was over his to pull him closer.

"I know for a fact they love you and miss you very very much. They want you to be happy." I replied. I held him and watched the sun finally set and the purple and orange hues from the sun turned into a very dim light, which was replaced by the moonlight.

By this time he had calmed down and was no longer crying. He lifted his head to look at me. "You're really pretty." he said. "I'd like to personally thank the stars for making someone like you." I earned a light kiss on the cheek and he stood up, extending an arm out to me. "Lets go have fun before it gets too cold." He said, pulling me up.

okokok i think this is the cap for me i just wrote two chapters

also tysm for the love i really appreciate it omgggg this is actually insane!! 

Storm // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now