8- Leave

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-George's POV-

I was biking home, slowly but surely because of the way Nick's hits altered my body. I saw lights coming from behind me, most likely from a car on the street. My tires picked up every crack in the sidewalk, causing me to whine with every bump it hit.

After some time, the headlights didn't turn away, even after I rode through a shopping center. I turned my head around to see a car, just as I had suspected, following me. I turned a hard right to go behind a building. I kept going until I saw an opening to a forest, with a winding dirt path. It was narrow and very dark but I'd prefer to get lost in the woods, than get kidnapped.

Eventually the forest came to an end, and I saw a familiar road. My grandparents house was just down the street. I peddled as hard and fast as my weak legs could. Once again I saw bright beams of light, coming from behind me. Screw it. I need to get inside. Once I reached the rocky driveway, I tossed my bike down, hardly able to walk. I fell on my hands and knees, right on the gravel. "Ouch!" I yelled. I couldn't hold it back. My whole body was in excruciating pain. "George! George! Are you okay?" 

I heard a voice yelling from behind me. I didn't have enough strength to talk, but I managed to stand up, hardly able to walk. Still, I continued moving forward towards the side where my window is. From someone who had no idea what happened in the last 20 minutes, they would have thought I was either drunk, or a dead man walking.

I could hear the same voice from before getting louder, and soon enough I heard footsteps on the gravel. "Dude, are you alright?"

"W-what?" I looked up and turned around to see Clay. Why was he here? Was he the one who followed me home? He ran up to me, putting a hand on each of my shoulders. I was hunched over slightly and both hands on the left side of my ribcage like before. I was so angry. I was mad in general at how the whole situation unfolded, but also at him.

"Go away." I said. I knew he could hear me because he stopped me from walking any further by stepping in front of me. I looked right in his eyes. God they were gorgeous even in the dark. I pushed aside those thoughts that began to creep back up and walked forward, purposely hitting my shoulder on his arm, effectively knocking him out of the way. He was clearly taken back and very confused.

"Hey. What's wrong? Please talk to me." He said softly. I ignored him, now about half way there to my window. Not surprisingly, he stood like a ghost. This time one hand was reached out to me. There was about 5 feet between us. His eyebrows furrowed. "Ok, this is getting annoying. Tell me what's wrong right now." I continued walking with my head down, hands against my side, wobbling slowly.

-Clay's POV-

Is he crazy? George was clearly in lots of pain, more than he would admit to even himself. He's been dodging me for the past two weeks and it's been so hard, because all I want to do is be with him. I want to see him, and hear him talk, and watch as his face glows when he gets into something he's passionate about. His presence is so welcoming, I forgot how it felt to long for someone as much as I do for George. I snapped out of my day dream, and he was already at his window. I ran up to him. "Please talk to me. Im sorry. Whatever I said or did, I didn't mean it." I grabbed his hand and he jerked it away.

"You don't even know what you've done? You've just apologized so I'll talk to you more huh? Please just leave me alone." he paused. "I cannot believe you don't know what you've done. Or should I say not done?"

Once he said those last few words I knew what he was on about. I opened my mouth to talk and he spoke up again, this time with tears flowing down his face. "You said you cared about me. But in reality, you just wanted to keep your reputation. And you wanted to stay on good terms with Nick. Do you even realize how selfish that is?" He stepped towards me. "You have no idea what he's done to me. I'm in so much pain, I might as well pass away."

"Oh come on now, you don't mean that." I replied.

"I DO! AND IT'S ALL I WANT. I WANT TO BE DEAD. GONE. NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN. I WANT TO SEE MY PARENTS. I WENT TO THE GRAVEYARD TO TALK TO THEM BECAUSE IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS ME ALIVE. AND YOU TWO BASTARDS SHOW UP AND ATTACK ME!" At this point, he was sobbing. I wanted to pull him in and tell him it's gonna be okay, and I wanted to tell him everything I was thinking but I knew he wouldn't accept it.

"You... never cared. Don't lie to yourself Clay." His words hurt me. He had it all wrong. I had no idea what to do. I've talked to Nick about how much he is hurting George, but it didn't work. I only exposed myself to my best friend who I thought I could trust. I decided it was my turn to talk.

"Y'know what? You're wrong. You're not the only one here who is going through something. I've had so much happen to me, maybe not as much as you but it still hurts a goddam lot. And by you standing here, and calling me selfish... saying I didn't care about you really hurts. I want to explain myself but I don't have words to say. You wouldn't believe me if I tried. So you're right. I'll leave, and I'll stop trying. I'll stop talking to Nick, trying to convince him to lay off you. If that is what you want. Then fine." I too was furious. 

I wanted to tell him, the words were on the tip of my tongue. I pointed directly at him, shoving my finger against his chest. "You... are the selfish one. You have no clue what Nick does to me too. You don't even care to know.'' I pulled my hand down and stood lifelessly.

-George's POV-

He was doing it again. Standing there like a statue. I took this time to observe him. His tall, skeletal figure, his fluffy, light dirty blond hair. His face was so perfect, everything I wanted to be. Everything I wanted. I felt a rush of heat, not only on my face but through my body. Just him being here made me feel so ecstatic. I felt so light, and careless. I wanted nothing more than to be with my family. I accidentally revealed that to him, raising more concern. His face calmed down to a slight temper, but he was still clearly angry. He threw his body around and stormed away, assumingly to his car.

I took that as my que to climb back up through the window, into my room. The only light was my night lamp on the far side of my bed, emitting a soft yellow light, illuminating the room ever so slightly. I yelped in pain, but muffled it by shoving my face in the crook of my arm. I messed up tonight, but with my emotions on high I didn't feel any remorse. Yet. 


some big big chapters coming uppppp 

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