4- The Storm

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(this chapter is kinda cute for like a split moment and then it gets kinda sad just a heads up)

-George's POV-

The bell rang to be dismissed to the passing period before the last class, although it was almost mistaken for lightning. He hoped to run into Clay so he could see the blond's face again. God George, why are you so weird? Why do you have to think these things about other men? He kept his head down and carried himself to his last class of the day. 7th period classes are bound to be good because it means he can get out of school soon. He walked down the stairs towards the far right side of the large building. His final class being gym, reminded him that he would have to exhaust himself.

Shortly after he made it to the locker room, the bell rang and his teacher told them about the plans for the class. "So as you all know, the weather is permitting to go outside, and 4/6 of the indoor courts are being used by the theater for storage. You have two choices; we can split the remaining 2 courts with the other class, or we can head to the health classrooms and use this period as a study block." All the boys in the room looked around at each other and talked amongst themselves. 

My locker was towards the front on the wall. I was next to a couple boys who I'd never talked to before because they all sounded nerdy and uninterested in being my friend. I sat in silence, taking in the things the other boys were saying. I looked around the room to see a group of boys in the farthest corner passing around a bag of pretzels, and to see another group in the middle locker rows laughing, very loud. Until one person caught my eye. It was him! Clay sat alone slumped back with his arms crossed, his eyes fixed on the ground. What was so interesting down there?

I was snapped back into consciousness when I heard the teacher announce we won't be changing out, and instead going to the classrooms. Immediately some boys were not so happy about that, but I personally was relieved. I was too mentally and physically drained to run around with a bunch of other sweaty teenagers.

We were in clusters, walking down the hall, following suit of the teacher in front. He held open the door and watched as we all, single filed into the room. We got to choose our seats because it's very rare that we use these rooms. I sat in the back of the room near the door. I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled out my phone.

Clay Greene

1:48 yo gog

1:48 look behind you

I turned my head back, towards the right to be met with a wall. My nose was inches away.

1:48 no the other behind you idiot

This time I turned my head the other way. This time I saw Clay standing right in front of me. "Haha hi!" he giggled. He walked forwards a couple inches and sat in the chair next to me. "Mind if I sit here?" In shock, I just shook my head and sat up straight. "Perfect, thanks."

Time went by super fast. There was only half an hour left in the period and I didnt want it to end. Every now and then the teacher would flash us a look because we were supposed to be studying, or catching up on homework but instead Clay and I were being loud in the back of the room. I learned more about him, and his friends and when he met Nick. My phone buzzed again. This time my phone was face-up on my desk. I tilted my head down to read the message.


2:24 hey honey! Your dad and I got stuck in the city :( The weather is really bad and we're under a tornado watch so the office won't let us leave.

2:24 we won't be home in time for dinner so dad will send you $20 to order some dinner

2:24 love you lots honey!!

Storm // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now