20- It was never meant to be

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(Hey major TW: suicide, it gets kinda much. I cried while writing it. There will be a short recap at the end of the chapter for those who can't read the chapter. I'm warning you it gets sad.)

-George's POV-

As we entered the school, everything felt normal. Clay and I walked down the hall to where his friends normally hang out. I never like his friends only because they just stared and watched as I got bullied. But today there were all super welcoming and inviting. "Hey george! How are you?" A tall boy greeted me.
"Hey it's nice to finally meet you! You should hang out with us more often." Another person introduced themselves to me. Everyone was here apart from Nick and rose. Nick was actually the person who I was looking for, so for him to not be here kind of upset me. I really needed to talk to him.


The bell for lunch rang and although I normally spend my lunch in the library, I went to the cafeteria for once. Not to hang out with the group from this morning, but to speak to Nick. After a couple minutes, I could not find him, but instead found Rose glued to her phone with a worried look on her face. I walked over to her and she immediately looked up at me. "George oh my god hello. I need your help." She spoke fast and quietly. "Nick. He isn't here. Have you seen him?" She asked.

"No, I was looking for him this morning, and just now at lunch as well." I said just as quietly. A disappointed look replaced her worried face. "Do you wanna look for him or should we just wait?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders in response and looked down. After a few awkward, silet seconds I spoke up again. "I'm going to go to the library for lunch. It's where I get everyday and it's peaceful. You can come if you'd like." I said offering a hand to her. She looked up at me and gave a weak smile. She followed me to the library and we sat down in the back corner where I usually sit. The same blue chairs, by the same outlet. We sat and talked about lots of things. We discussed how they got back together a couple days ago, and how well Nick seems to be doing. We came to the agreement that if Nick doesn't show up to school tomorrow, we would go to his house. Both of us had a common goal- to talk to Nick. Mine was more urgent but I could tell Rose was more eager to see him. The three of us shared a class at the end of the day. We just hoped he would turn up.


Rose and I were sat next to each other in the back of the classroom. We had a perfect view of the door and we counted down the seconds until the final bell would ring, indicating that he is late. The time seemed to go by slowly. I could tell Rose was getting anxious and she dearly missed him. My knee was subconsciously bouncing and my mind reminded me of everything that Clay and I had talked about, the night he had that nightmare.

"We were just on the phone. He's fine. He wanted to ask how to write detailed stories." Detailed stories? Nick never writes anything. English was his least favorite subject..."George.. He's not writing a letter, you idiot."..."What do you mean? He asked how to make it personal and outstanding and all." .. ."Hes- you just... You just told him how to write a suicide letter. You- fucking idiot. Don't you get it? I-I just had a dream about him. He called me but I missed it. He-he stood in front of a moving train."

"Rose. I think he might be in danger." I blurted out.

"D-danger? What do you mean by in danger? Maybe he's sick." She added optimistically. I slowly shook my head side to side. My mouth became dry and a lump formed in my throat. I didn't wait to tell her everything that Clay and I were thinking. Before the bell rang I let Clay know that Rose and I were going to Nick's house, and he can meet us there if he wanted.


As Rose and I drove closer and closer to his house, we saw flashing lights near the entrance to his driveway. It was bright because it was day time, but the blue and red alternating lights were going off. The girl next to me started crying. "No no no no..." We both whispered again. I called Clay immediately. He picked up and we told him to come straight here.

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