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hello everyone!!
first off i wanna say tysm for all the love i really appreciate it. you have helped me with more than you could imagine and i'm so so glad you guys enjoyed the story. it was my first one and yes i asked you guys to point out my mistakes kindly but that's ok i'm here to clear them up.

1- height
so in the cc's streams, they oftentimes compare heights and have lots of friendly fights about it. they makes plenty of jokes about "small q" (quackity being short) and george being 5'9. GEORGE IS RIGHT. 5'9 FOR A MALE HIS AGE IS AVERAGE. for the people comparing heights on the first chapter, i'm sorry that my writing made it seem like being that height is short. it's not. i promise you (coming from a person who hasn't grown in the past 2 years) are not short. i'm 5'4. and being short is cool. i enjoyed being small.

2-clay's character
a lot of you have commented that clay (in this story) is manipulative, he gaslights, he is abusing george which IS NOT what i intended at allllll. i'll try to explain really fast....                                                                                                          so, nick was meant to be a bully. he was implied to be abusive (as heard in the library scene) to not only rose, but also clay. i can relate to both clay and rose in this situation. (fast forward to when clay follows george home) when they were talking outside of the house, george was acting super upset that clay stood and watched as nick beat him up. while nick was doing his thing to george, clay had a moment where he spaces out. (look up disassociation) during disassociate timings, although he is aware of what is going on, he can't control when he snaps back into reality. there was nothing he could have done. when george lashed out at him, telling him how angry he was that nick was bullying him. when clay got angry and replied with "you have no idea what he does to me too..." CLAY FINALLY ADMITTED THAT NICK WAS ABUSING HIM TOO; THAT HE CAN RELATE! he's not manipulating or gaslighting george. i'm sorry if it came off that way.
3- i'm a minor
hello yes wake up i'm a minor. i don't like sexual comments towards me. i'm fine with sexual comments about the book and in general. just not to me. please. yes i've done a face reveal and i'm a female. my pronouns might be in my bio (i forgot if i actually put them there). i go by she/her. i have deleted the comments that go too far such " ✂️" and explicit sex things.
4-basic respect
let's be decent humans and respect other people. if someone expresses a harmless opinion, let's be nice even if you disagree. with that being said, can we please keep politics and that jazz out of it as well. i have almost no clue what you guys are talking about and when you ask for my views, i feel awkward because new zealand has a prime minister. although i just moved to the us a couple weeks ago, i'm a slow learner haha and i still don't understand anything about it.
also to extend that topic a little bit, (i know i just said keep your opinions to yourself i'm sorry) i'm not gonna be rude and say "get off my story and don't come back" but if you don't respect the lgbtq+ community and it's extents, please (i'm asking nicely) keep your opinions to yourself and i don't want you interacting with me. i'm sorry but that's kinda weirdchamp.
5-extra names
ok so like i said, i recently moved. i had to bust my balls to get all my work done for a school in nz and also placements for the us school. i was writing a long story for english class with some characters named, Lucas, Mason, Fio, and Oliver. i got that mixed up with this fic multiple times. (check the graveyard chapter if you're confused) i called clay-lucas, and nick-mason. i'm sorry i didn't mean to.
oliver- most likely george
mason- most likely nick
lucas- most likely clay
fio- whatever makes the most sense.
also, i took down my other fic. i don't like it and it was going no where. i'm working on two more bts. i'll try and post one when i think it's ready :)

ok i think that's it for now. also i wrote this on my phone i'm sorry if there's any mistakes i'm crying  😳👍💃
ily vv much and i really appreciate you bd please hydrate and eat something and get your work done

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