15- Here

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-Nicks POV-

I wish I didn't do it. I wish I never said those things to George and Clay. I wish I never hurt Rose. I wish I could go back in time and tell everyone nicer things, and take back what I did say, while I still had the chance. I'd never be the same. Even if they forgive me, I could never forgive myself. I was so selfish and there's nothing I can do to break my selfish ways. It's all my fault.

I layed in bed on my phone, listening as my alarm clock went off. I've been awake for a couple hours and I already got ready for school. I took a long, warm shower and let myself cry. I ate a small breakfast of a granola bar and a glass of milk after the shower. Then I went and relaxed on my bed, trying to preoccupy myself. I had about an hour until I would have to leave and walk to the bus stop. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get my mind off those things. I wanted someone to hold me and tell me that everything will be alright, but I don't want anyone to see me and know I'm hurting. The best thing I could do for everyone right now is leave them alone.

-George POV-

I woke up, not before having a nightmare. It was about my parents again. I kept replaying what I thought the storm would look like to them, winds moving 300+ miles an hour. I missed them beyond measure, and I was trying to get over it. They would have died sooner or later. Get over it, you little baby. Negative thoughts clouded my mind and my eyes shot open. I turned on my back to look up at the ceiling. I was sweating and panting. (it's only dirty if you make it dirty). I finally gathered enough physical strength to sit up. My eyes scanned around the room. It was surprisingly a lot messier than I thought it would be. That didn't really bother me. What I didn't like about it was that Clay was nowhere to be seen. I pulled the covers off of my legs and got out of bed. My legs were so weak I fell over, creating a loud banging noise from impact with the floor. I hit my arm on the nightstand next to the bed, nearly knocking the lamp and clock off.

"George?" I heard a faint voice call from the hallway. I sat up to see Clay standing at the doorway. "Are you okay? Get up silly. I made breakfast." He helped me up and as soon as he let go, I almost fell over again. "What's going on? Are your legs okay?" I stumbled to stand still. (i just realized how dirty this sounds. guys i promise they just slept nothing more lmao)

"I don't know, I just feel really weak. I was having trouble sleeping and I had a bad dream." I replied, tears threatening to show. I managed to push them back and tried to take another step, but ultimately falling into his arms. How perfect. This looks like a movie scene.

"Haha I got you." He put my arm over his shoulder and helped me walk to the couch.

My head was now pounding. Everything hurt, I just wanted to lay back down but I wasn't tired at all. Clay picked up two plates with pancakes and fresh fruit on them, bringing them to the coffee table next to the couch, putting one in front of me and one in front of him. I felt my head getting heavy, my eyes beginning to swell. All my emotions rushed at me in one wave. I sobbed. I couldn't hold it back. I hated being sad all the time and this boy kept me happy. If he wasn't here, I wouldn't be here either for multiple reasons. My head became too heavy to hold up so I layed down. I put my head on the arm rest, opposite of the side the blond was sitting on. "Dude! What's wrong? Do you want some medicine or something? I can get you some painkillers." painkillers. I hated the sound of that word. I hated the pills in general. It sent me farther into a cry, tears continuing to stream down my face. Clay realized what he said and pulled me up, leaning my limp body against his own. He shushed me and he subtly rocked us back and forth, effectively calming me down.

Eventually he convinced me to take some medicine for my headache and we spent the day home from school, watching movies together. It felt amazing being in this boy's arms even if it was only for a little bit.

-Nick's POV-

It was lunch time. I managed to make it through half of the day without speaking to anyone. I nearly broke down and cried in front of my 1st period class, but left to use the bathroom before anyone could see me. I saw Rose a couple times already, and I had one class with her. We were growing closer than I imagined and although we said we'd take it slow, It feels like we would be dating sometime soon. I needed to feel loved in that way again, I was willing to put on the best mask I had to show her I was ready, even if I wasn't.


"Nick!" She yelled running over to give me a big hug. I was putting my stuff in my locker from my previous class and grabbing the things necessary for my next one. We just saw each other in class, it was weird seeing her this ecstatic to see me. She always gave the best hugs and I never missed them. "I want you to come home with me! I have something to show you. My mum said she can pick us up if you're willing to come." She said, pulling away from the hug.

"Sure. It sound like fun." I replied, faking a big smile. I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay at home and widdle away.

"Perfect!" She jumped up and latched onto me, throwing her legs around my waist. It really took me by surprise and she was slipping down, but I managed to pull her back up before it was too late. (hehehehe) She pulled her head back from my shoulder, looking me in the eyes. A small, real smile crept onto my face from seeing her so passionate and happy being with me. Our faces were so close, they almost touched. I released her and let her stand on the ground before it could happen though. She almost looked sad but spoke before I could fully read her face. "Cool! After this class, meet me in the front parking lot."

but thanks for all the loveeee i appreciate it so so much 

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