16- New beginnings

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-Still Nick's POV-

After the bell rang I went back to my locker and replaced the binders with some books and went to the front parking lot just like Rose said. I walked outside and expected her to be there, but through the sea of teenagers rushing to find their busses, I couldn't see her. I sat on the bench for what felt like hours but was only 10 minutes. I decided I should just leave so I don't miss my bus. I stood up to go walk towards the bus loop, but crossed paths with a happy, frisky girl. Of course it was Rose and she greeted me with a big hug and a cheery smile. I couldn't help but smile back. "Ready?" she asked. I nodded my head and we walked to her mum's car.

I sat in the back alone and was greeted by her mum's sweet voice. "Good evening Nick. How was school?"

"It was alright. Y'know just the usual boring classes. I'm glad to be able to get out and do stuff. Thanks for taking me." I replied. I saw her smile as a response in the mirror and we left for their house.


We got to her house and her mom got out, wished us a good time, and let Rose get in the driver's seat. She only recently got her license, and I've had mine for a while, I just never get to drive. "So... where are we going?" I quietly asked, breaking the silence.

"Well... I noticed you've been really upset recently, and I remembered your favorite things so we're gonna go revisit them!!" She said excitedly. All I wanted was to crawl up underneath some blankets with her and sleep, but I guess this works too. "So first we're going to the store, and buying some snacks, then we're going to our special spot." And by special spot she meant the lake that no one really goes to. We used to go there all the time and take evening swims, or walk around. It was our first date, and the place where I asked her to be my girlfriend at. I couldn't tell if I was excited or not.


We got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the bakery. I felt so warm inside, almost all of my previous negative thoughts subsided. Before we walked in we made eye contact. She was so smiley and happy, I felt myself improving already. This girl was all I needed to feel whole again. Then I felt a small, soft, warm hand reach mine, and we locked out fingers together. It was hers. Rose is holding my hand!! And with that, we walked hand in hand, into the store, picking out of favorite treats and drinks together, ready for whatever was about to happen.


The drive to wherever we were going was quiet for the most part. It wasn't uncomfortable at all and the music from the bluetooth connection to Rose's phone was nice. Eventually conversation broke out and we found ourselves laughing at some things each other said.

"What do you mean? Cows can't drive!" She said in between laughs. She let out a small wheeze and it reminded me of when Clay and I used to go driving late at night. I stopped laughing and the smile melted away. I turned away from her and looked out of the window. She didn't dare ask why and the rest of the ride was silent.


"Were here." She said, parking the car. I got out and grabbed the bag from the bakery and walked around the car to the drivers side. While she got out some things from the backseat, I took this time to observe where we were. It looked to me like a park next to some sort of water. Then it clicked. I recalled from earlier when Rose told me we were going to our special spot.

"Are we at the lake?" I asked, just to make sure. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at me. "Yes silly. I told you earlier that we were going to our spot." I nodded and she finished getting things ready. She picked up a backpack and pulled it over her back. She leaned back over and picked up a blanket as well.

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