6- Sneaking Out

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-George's POV-

I tossed and turned. My eyes shot open and I sat up. My breathing was uncontrolled, beads of sweat along my hairline, some rolling down the sides of my face. I woke up violently because I was having another nightmare. I thought about what it would look like to see the gray brick building my parents were in, being torn down, debris flying everywhere. They worked in the city, about an hour away from our house. But now instead of them being one hour away, they would never return.

I patted my hand on the bedside table next to me, in search of my phone. When I found it, I unplugged it and turned it on, bringing it to my face. Luckily I turned down the brightness beforehand. I pulled the covers off of my lower body and swung my legs onto the floor. I walked over to my tall wooden closet to pull out a pair of black sweat and a windbreaker. I wasn't sure where I was gonna go, but I couldn't sleep so my only other option was to walk around. I can't walk around the house. People are sleeping! I don't want to wake them up. Then it hit me. The window! I can climb out of the window. I slowly crept over to the door, locking it in case anyone comes to check on me. Making sure to stay quiet, I moved over to the window.

I pulled the string on the blinds, causing them to move up and out of the way. Then I slid the window up about half way. There was some extra space in between me and the bottom of it, about 10 inches. I looked down. It was about a 10 foot drop. I put my feet out and turned onto my stomach. I inched down the wall until I was hanging onto the sill. I would fall about 4 feet so it shouldn't be bad. I looked down behind my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't jump on anything. I felt my hands start slipping. My fingers grew sore. I put my feet on the wall and walked them up a bit. At that point, I pushed back on my feet and let go, sending my down and backwards. I landed on my feet at first, but tumbled backwards.

I dusted myself off and made my way to the front of the house. (his bedroom window is in the back corner of the house) I grabbed my bike from under the tarp and walked it down the gravel driveway. Once I reached the sidewalk I hopped on the bike and started following the road. Where I was going... I didn't know.


After some time, I stopped riding because I got out of breath. I put the kickstand down and sat on the grass sext to the sidewalk. Sitting criss-cross, I fiddled with the blades of grass beneath me. My mind wandered once again. My parents would be so proud. I just know it. I keep telling myself this to build back up my confidence that Nick tears down. But this time I felt more emotions than sadness and grief. I felt anger. Anger that it was them and not me. What did they do to deserve it? What did I do to deserve to be picked on? Why didn't I get the good genes? I grabbed a fistful of grass and ripped it up. "WHY? WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?" I screamed. I didn't even try to stop tears from streaming down my face. I threw my body back and laid flat on the ground, extending my legs out like a starfish.

I looked directly up. "I hope you're doing great up there. I-I love you." I whispered. "I wish I could see you, give you one last hug." Then I got the idea. I can bike about 15 minutes down the road to the cemetery. Then I can be closest to them. A sudden wave of determination rushed over me.


As I neared the cemetery I saw "No trespassing" signs plastered all around the place, on trees, on poles, and spray painted on the ground. Who cares? Not me. If I get in trouble, I wouldn't be able to care less. I memorized the fastest path to my parents graves. I threw my bike on the ground and sprinted to the spot where my parents are buried. Once I got there I sat down and wept. I couldn't control my tears. I had so much to say in so little time before I got caught. And so I started to speak my heart out.

-Clay's POV-

The only light shining in my room was from my computer. It was flashing and bright. Nick, our friend group and I were playing COD MW. We were playing for what felt like hours and I was exhausted. "I think Imma hop off for the night boys. Thanks for playing." I said, holding back a big yawn. The rest of the boys agreed and most of us left the lobby and turned off our computers. My phone that was face up on my lap buzzed and the screen lit up.

Nick Guzzle

1:18 yo

1:18 dont go to bed yet

1:18 im bored

1:18 lets sneak out and do something

Is he serious right now? It's the middle of the night and he wants to sneak out? I was so exhausted but I knew he would use it against me if I said no.

Clay Greene

1:18 why?

1:18 im so tired

1:18 it depends on what were doing

Then my phone rang. He was calling me. "Hello?" I started. My voice was hoarse and low.

"Hey. sorry I didn't feel like texting. Lets go do something I don't wanna go to bed yet." Is this man kidding or something? He's never usually like this. Knowing him, he likes his sleep. " Uhm like I said, it depends on where and what we're gonna do." The call was silent for a while. "Hello? Nick?" I spoke up.

"Lets go to the graveyard," he blurted out. My jaw dropped and I was speechless.

"Do you know how much trouble we can get in if we get caught?! I don't really feel like taking that risk..." I retorted. My voice now sounded fully awake, although I was so close to falling asleep on call.

"Oh come on. You're such a wimp." Blood dashed through my veins. I wasn't going to let him call me a wimp. "Fine. I'll do it. I'll be there in 10 minutes and I'm not staying for more than half an hour." And with that I hung up, threw on a hoodie, put my phone in the pocket of my gray sweatpants, slipped on my Nike's, and left through my window. 

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