19- Doubts

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-Georges POV-

"Clay! You suck haha I won!" I teased, receiving the giant stuffed animal gorilla. Its belly and paws were neon green, with the rest of his body being black. I let out some giggles and hugged it dearly. "I'm gonna be sleeping with this boy from now on, sory Clay youve been replaced haha." I spoke again.

"Yeah ok, just wait until you get cold and lonely again at night. See how much support he will give you." He jokingly retorted. I rolled my eyes at him and we walked over to the car to put the toy in the back seats. We took a second to admire the bright lights and amusement of the people who came out here tonight. "It's so pretty." He said. His voice was quiet and he sounded genuinely amazed. I hummed as an agreement and I felt a hand touch mine. I looked down to see him holding my hand again. Even though it's a usual thing to be touchy with him, I felt fireworks go off inside of me whenever we get close like this. He's everything i've ever wanted and it doesn't even feel human at this point. I felt a pull on my arm and I was jolted back into the fair.


"Georgie... we're almost at the top hehe." Clay teased. He knows I'm afraid of heights but he still pushes it. We were sitting across from each other in our own capsule. I gripped the side so tight my knuckles became white.

'Shut. The. Hell. Up. I know we're high up and it looks gorgeous but I don't feel like passing out right now." I gave him a nervous grin, receiving a wheeze. I often wondered how his lungs don't collapse on him from the noises he makes.

After some small talk and shared laughs the ride came to an end. We both exited the cart and I thanked the moon for letting me back onto solid ground. We both got some cotton candy and played a few more games. Our trip came to an end and we circled back around to the car. I stood by the drivers side of the door, not letting him in the car. I knew he wouldn't let me drive but I was in such a playful mood, I didn't want him to either. "George, I need to get in the car for us to get home." He said, not amused of my jokes.

"If you want the car, you have to get through me first." I said. I immediately regretted it because he grabbed my hip firmly with one hand and used the other to lift my chin up. He paused before pressing his chest into mine, pushing me into the car. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. I nodded my head eagerly, wanting to feel connection again. He slowly tilted his head down. Before connecting our lips, I felt his warm breath on my nose. Eventually he closed the gap and we melted into each other, following a steady rhythm. His lips were so soft and inviting. I gained some confidence and pulled away for a quick breath of air. I dove back in for more, standing on my tippy-toes for better access.

After a hot moment, we pulled away and I let him in his seat. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a notification from Rose. Rose: attachment: 1 image. Uh oh that can't be good. I hesitantly opened the notification. It was a picture of Clay and I from a minute ago. I heard giggles in the distance to see Nick and her in a deep state of laughter. I immediately grew embarrassed and Clay stepped out of the car. He walked over the other two and I followed behind him.

"We caught you guys haha!" Rose teased. Meanwhile Nick was laughing his head off.

"You guys saw that didnt you?" Clay asked. I showed him the picture and he shook his head. "Hey at least the fireworks were literally going off behind us at the perfect time." He wasn't wrong. It looked too good to be true.


"Hey it was good talking to you guys! We will see eachother tomorrow at school though. Good night guys!" Clay said. I looked at Nick because I wanted to still have a discussion with him. I was finally ready to fully forgive him. His expression was almost like he felt bad for Clay. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Clay yawning and directing me away from the other couple.

"I was about to talk to Nick, and you pulled me away dude." I said, a little anger hinting at my tone.
"It's fine you can talk to him tomorrow during lunch or something. It's almost midnight and we have to wake up early for school." He replied. I silently agreed, but something felt so wrong. I felt like I wasn't actually going to get the chance to for whatever reason. Whatever. We've been thinking so much lately, I'm sure it's nothing. And so we left for the house.

-Clay POV-

As I pulled into the driveway, I didn't get the response that I usually get from George when we get home. Instead of his cheers, it was silent. I looked over to see he grabbed the gorilla somehow and fell asleep with it. He was a silent sleeper for the most part. God he was so pretty. I felt bad for waking him up so I walked over to his side of the car and opened the door. I pulled the toy off of him and set it on top of the car. I unbuckled his seatbelt and carried him inside bridal style. I laid him in his own bed tonight. I snuck back out of the house and grabbed his giant stuffed animal. I walked back inside and placed it on the ground next to his bed and pulled the covers over the boy. He slept so peacefully and I knew he really needed the sleep. I made my way over to my room and didn't even bother changing, but instead fell asleep in my jeans and hoodie.


My alarm blared right in my ear, begging me to get up in time for school. I silenced the alarm and rolled off the bed, landing on the ground. I was so exhausted from being up last night at the fair. I had lots of fun and seeing Nick again made me feel so much better. I got up off of the ground and walked over to my closet which was slowly becoming messier, and messier. I pulled out a new pair of jeans and a shirt. I made sure to wake George up before taking a shower to make sure he also had enough time to get ready for school. I slowly approached him on his bed. He was still under the covers I had put him under last night. His legs were pulled close to his body and his head was tilted down. I lightly shook him awake and waited for him to be fully up.

"Good morning." He said. God, his morning voice is so cute. I sat down on the bed beside him. "Good morning. How was your sleep?" I responded softly. He let out a big yawn and stretched like a starfish.

"It was good, thanks for taking me inside. How was yours?" He let out a big breath of air and laid on his back.

"Mine was pretty good too." I replied. He let out a small scoff. "What?" I questioned.

"It would have been better if I was there." He replied. Where did that confidence come from? 

"No cause you take up the whole goddam bed and take all the blankets." I joked. He sat up, but only to pull me back down with him. At this point I was on my knees, towering over him with my hands on him, basically pinning him to the bed. "What was that for?" I wheezed out. I noticed his arms were up and took the opportunity. I released both of his hands from the bed to his armpits and started tickling him. I know all the spots of his body that are sensitive.

'C-Clay hahah! Please!" He was laughing. I immediately stopped and he caught his breath. "More." He demanded. More tickles? I laughed and went back to tickling him.

After a tickle attack we both finally finished getting ready for the school day. Oh how intense the day would be. Neither of us could have seen it coming. 

hi so i didnt really edit this chapter oops.

ilysm and i hope you're doing great make sure you stay hydrated! :]

Storm // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now